Chapter 7: Of a Puzzle with Dark Pieces

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I like reds, and you like yellows, and if we put them together...

"...I said, aren't you very distracted lately? You've been really off these days, Moonjo!"

The dentist closed his eyes, taking a long deep breath. He didn't touch the cold can of beer in front of him, nor the seasoned kimchi Miss Eom had prepared for him. It didn't smell so good anymore. Something was off. He looked at her, the woman who rescued and took care of him, the one who admired his... 'Art', who even tried to take part of it on her own ways.

The same woman who kept bugging him day by day about leaving, like a fucking leech sucking his blood for herself. She always was, with that pathetic whining 'I raised you, you OWE me!', pressuring him into ending everyone, including Jongwoo. Each time she mentioned him, Moonjo wanted to rip her eyes out, shove that disgusting tongue down her throat and open her up like the pig she wasSOANNOYING. He wanted to kill her, in ways he had never expected to want to kill, in ways he would never dare to kill before.

One thing was she could pretend they were in good terms, and another thing was he would do everything she said, like an obedient dog. She wasn't Moonjo's owner. He wasn't a scared and confused teenager anymore. She already had those two twins.


"I've had things to do, Miss Eom. That's all?"
"Things like that man who might be your twin brother?" she said, chuckling. How did she know? Did she knew something he didn't? "Did you really thought I wouldn't know?"

Moonjo watched as she took a piece of meat with her fingers, eating it slowly. Maybe she thought that would look menacing, but it only made Moonjo's blood boil even more in anger and disgust. Just a few days ago, he would have just hummed to her empty threat and ate the kimchi, but now...Now there was another Moonjo resurrecting from the deep black waters. He got up and left the living room, outside for a quick smoke. But he didn't even lit it, just stared at it before breaking it. Even smoking now seemed disgusting.

After meeting his twin, something inside him started to shift, no, to awake would be more precise to describe. A part of himself he thought was long dead was now climbing up the walls Moonjo had created, trying to find the weakest spot to knock them off quickly. And, if Moonjo was honest, he didn't mind.

He wanted to be vulnerable for once, to not be on alert all the time, be himself for once, taste what was it like to have a...a REAL family. He couldn't remember how was it like to be embraced with love and care, of someone asking him how was his day, not because they tried to be polite, but because they really cared about him, of having someone to remember nice times...To have a family. Moonjo was actually really looking forward to having lunch with his newly found family members. Just by thinking of them it made him smile.

He got few texts from his twin, asking him if he really was up to meet them on Monday. Moonjo could only chuckle at his brother's cuteness, sending him funny stickers alongside the texts. He had never found them funny at all before, but now...they were ok. But he was also scared. He felt this was going too quick, it was too good to be true. If he had been very confused experimenting new emotions, being nervous was now common in himself. Even more, he was starting to change. A lot.

What he would found before annoying, he would just ignore it now. He was a bit more cheerful at work, a bit more...natural, as his assistant had said. And Moonjo...liked it, somehow. It was new, fun, and he felt connected with someone at last- No.

No, he felt connected with Jongwoo, so that couldn't count. Or maybe it could? It's just, after so many years thinking he was alone, that he had no family left at all. He felt like an endangered animal, surviving in a world full of prey, waiting for the final day he would go to a forest and die alone. But now...Now he finally felt being complete, of not being alone. He felt he finally found home.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now