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Here We Go Come With Me


The drive was absolutely beautiful with the trees turning back green and the sky slowly darkening into a deep blue, but even with all of this natural beauty seeing Beatrice driving was my best view. I looked over at Bea every now and then, but tried to keep my eyes on the road. 

We pulled up to the cabin and took everything out of the back seat. Honestly, the place was gorgeous, the wood which framed the house was black, the windows showed the light from the inside beautifully, and the best part to me was how small and cozy it looked. 

That was until we went inside. The inside definitely was not what I thought, I had to do quite a few double takes. To the left of me was a kitchen for a chef and inside of it was Janelle cooking something, but we'll get back to that later, because it smells amazing, but anyways in front of me was a fully furnished living room with a fire and a TV hooked up on the mantle. To the right of me were stairs that led to a second floor. And while I am use to big houses, I mean, Bea's family, the twins, and even I have one kinda, but this just showed me that my spacial awareness is trash. 

I stepped into the house and before I knew it Bea was dragging me up the stairs. I kinda made a sad face, because I wanted to say hey to Janelle or at least acknowledge her presence. Once we got to the room Bea placed a kiss on my lips that made me forget about everything happening around me.  

I looked at her with nothing but love in my eyes. "What was that about BeatriceAdira?"

She looked me in the eyes, "You just looked so kissable that I couldn't help it. You're so beautiful Kyelle." 

At that point I was blushing mad hard. I  gave her a little punch to the shoulder before putting the bags down around the bed and heading back down to talk to Janelle. Janelle doesn't like when people talk to her while she's focusing, but doing it just makes it so much more fun. 

I ran down the stairs and was hit with the most delicious smell. 

"Hey Jan, what are you cooking up? It smells absolutely amazing. Can I taste that?" I pointed towards the golden sauce that I saw beside her when my hand was slapped away.

"I don't know how you deal with her?" Janelle looks up at me as I baby my slapped hand. 

Jennifer pops up from underneath where the sauce was pulling out a pan of what looks to be dessert. 

"Oh easy, just pop her a few times and she'll understand not to touch it again." Jennifer smiled and both of us ran around to meet each other at the end of the  divider. 

I know that I just saw her a couple of hours ago, but she is my bestfriend, besides Bea, and I don't know I guess I missed her a little bit. I started crying into the hug when she pulled away and tried to dry the tears from my face. I noticed that her eyes were getting teary too and I don't know why we do this but we do. I guess it's because we know where we have been and where we are right now, I mean who would have thought? I know we wouldn't. 

I heard Bea come down the steps and dried up Jennifer's tears. Janelle had a small smile on her face as her twin went back to doing the dessert. I felt Bea hug me from behind and just instantly realized that in front of us was our entire lives. I don't know if I would be here if it weren't for these people and yes, Janelle kind of grew apart from the rest of us and that really hurt, but at the end of the day. I just, I know I wouldn't be here if I didn't get to meet these three people. 

I smiled the brightest that I have in awhile and turned Bea around so I could hug her harder. I have never felt more safe than I was in the presence of this group and I don't know if they knew, but they are legit everything to me. 

While wrapping Bea in this embrace I looked towards the twins mouthing that, "I'm asking her tonight," with the brightest smile on my face. The twins gave me smiles and thumbs up back before continuing cooking. 

After hugging, we went into the living room until Jennifer gave the call that food was ready. "Come and get it you little rascals!" Jennifer laughed after calling us like that and a smile was permanently painted on my face. 

I looked over at Janelle and Bea seeing the same smile. It's been awhile since we've seen Jennifer smiling. It's refreshing for all of us. Jen is the glue and I honestly couldn't see anyone of us here without her. And trust that there was a time that we thought we would be without her, but that's a story for another today. Today is a good day, a good night filled with some of the people I love and who I know love me. 

Janelle and Jennifer packed up the leftovers so they would have something to eat as well and cleaned out the kitchen. They left Bea and I with enough food for another serving and an extra dessert for each of us, since they know we would literally fight over anything that they would cook. Once they left out, Bea and I took a bite of the chicken parmesan that Janelle cooked and leaned back into our seats. It was so good that our spirits had to take a moment of reflection. After finishing the chicken parmesan and going back for the rest in the pot, Bea and I took a bite of the bread pudding that Jennifer made. After fully eating and indulging ourselves Bea and I went upstairs and just talked. 

"This is wonderful, thank you." I looked Bea in the eyes while playing in her hair. 

"Only the best for you. I tried to think of something that you would like and knew that I would have to involve Jennifer and Janelle somehow." She looked back at me with sleep fighting her eyes. 

I turned on my side to look at her. "Okay, but how exactly did you not only get them up here, but to get them to cook? And I know you aren't letting them do this for free, so the real question is do you really think that they are going to keep whatever money you hid?" I looked at Bea with an eyebrow raised knowing exactly  how the twins operate. 

"Okay, so if I'm lucky then I won't find a pile of money when we wake up in the morning right beside our breakfast. But they actually volunteered to do the cooking and I didn't want them driving up and down at the ass crack of dawn so I got them a cabin a little ways from here, I mean a little bit from here. But yeah, if we wake up to a pile of money on the counter then we are fucked on trying to give it back to them." 

I shook my head in agreement on that last statement. Trying to pay the twins any money for anything has been hell. Literally, it could be a birthday gift and they would hand the money right back to you. Motherfuckers had me learning how to make flowers, shapes, and artwork out of money just so they would take it. Worst of all is the money is probably just sitting in the corner o their rooms in the same shape that it was given. 

"Oh, so you actually made  a full plan, I love it." I cuddled her back. "This is so beautiful Bea and I am having a fantastic time with you. But yeah, we should definitely be prepared for a stack of money beside our breakfast or just hope that Janelle doesn't try to be petty and stick the money in the eggs or something. Actually let's just pray that Janelle is nowhere near the pastries for breakfast." 

We looked at each other both knowing how Janelle can be. With her personality in mind we  took a minute to pray before slowly falling asleep in each other's arms. Being here with Bea is definitely a dream come true and although we need to work on somethings, actually being in her arms and Bea letting me touch her without fear, restraint, reflex, or shivering means the world to me.

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