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Walking into Pre- Calculus I couldn't help, but to think about what I allowed Beatrice to do to me inside the car. I really need to start paying more attention and focusing on myself and...

"Hi Kyelle, where's Baby I need to ask her a favor?"

I looked to my side to see Jennifer. She's the best cook on this side of the country, lesbian, stud, and an overall nice person with a bitch of a twin sister. Sometimes I can't tell them apart until they start talking and by the sound of this conversation, this may be Janelle, fuck.

"Yea, I just gave her a ride here, what about her, twin?" I looked deep into her eyes as her mouth twisted into a smirk. This was definitely Janelle in Jennifer's seat.

"Okay, well tell her I need her help and to bring condoms this time." Janelle winked at me as I made my way over to my seat right beside Jennifer who had one headphone in her ear while tapping on her notepad with a pen.

I sat down bumping into Jennifer slightly. "I really hate your sister. And text me next time you want to move seats you whore."

"Oh, well Goodmorning to you to. Isn't it a nice day outside Jen? Yes, it is Kyelle? And now that I just had the introductory dialogue by myself, who pissed in your cereal this morning, besides my sister? Also, you thought that she was me, didn't you?"

"Yes, and that shit is mad annoying, y'all need to stop dressing alike and SINCE YOUR SISTER IS ALWAYS ON (Beatrice's) MY DICK MAYBE SHE SHOULD DROP THE ACT AND BE STRAIGHT. "

Janelle swung her head towards me and walked in my direction while giving me a death glare.

Mr. Newman walks in with his rolling bag and takes out his laptop before waving to the class.

"Good morning class, I am sorry for my tardiness someone tried to kill me on the interstate. Anyways please take out your notebooks, your homework should already be in the class periods basket, and Janelle get back in your seat unless you want this class to turn into a come to Jesus session."

Janelle slowly walks back to her desk and takes a seat as Jennifer bumps my arm.

"She is really upset with you right now and I am trying to talk her out of killing you."

"Jennifer tell her that I fight dirty and sense she likes to take dick I can call Beatrice and we can have a whole threesome- my strap, Beatrice's dick, and her hoe self. "

"Yep, she wants to kill you and she says she doesn't want your ass anyways just Beatrice. Stop cockblocking. "

"Tell the hoe to go suck one and stop doing that creepy twin shit y'all do. "

"She is, she's about to go suck Beatrice right now. And we are done. "

"Okay class today we will be learning about the inverse trigonometric signs, so everyone get your supplies out and ready. "

"Mr. Newman. "

"Yes, Janelle. "

"May I please go to the restroom?"

"Yes, but make sure you don't take long or get the notes from someone since this period is going to be less time than usual today. "

"Yes sir."

Janelle winks at Jennifer as we both start to copy the lecture examples off of the board. I gag inwardly at the thought that Beatrice is really going to let Janelle fuck after trying to get at me this morning, but I guess with a dick comes the nigga mentality and head is head.


After having to deal with that jock in the hallway I made my way into AP Statistics, my favorite class. The teacher Ms. Robins was just coming in when I did.

"Okay, class settle down. As you may know today will be a half day for you all since you are Seniors. That means that each class period has 30 minutes for instruction, which means that I will not be teaching today. So I advise you all to read, get the Uno or Phase 10 cards out of the back cabinet or whatever other game you want to play. Please do not get too loud and I also do not want a whole WWIII to happen in my classroom over cards, so play nice. If you need to go anywhere tell me and when you get there don't get in trouble. Lastly, stay on campus, you all will only be here for about 2 hours, so be decent. Now y'all can start. "

Ms. Robins sat down at her desk and continued grading papers. I decided to just sit in the back of the class and read about Pre- Calculus. Because if I am going to help Kye with her work and hopefully get back into her good graces I am going to have to look back and review, it's been two years since I even looked at Pre-Cal and I don't want to give Kyelle wrong information and make her even angrier at me.

Speaking of Kyelle I wonder what she is doing in Pre-Cal right now. I looked down at my phone and went to my messages to text Kye only to get a text from Janelle asking me to meet her in the restroom. I got out of my seat and just left from the back door, everyone knows that I'll be back, so the vibe of the room doesn't change with my exit.

I walk down the hallway towards the bathroom to see what Janelle wants. And I know it is probably some sort of sex. She always acting like my dick has her hooked just from sight.

I opened the door to the bathroom and was pulled in by Janelle's strong ass and I must admit she was looking nice, but I don't want anymore issues with Kye.

"Yes, I am here in the flesh , why did you text me to come here from my favorite class?"
Every class is my favorite class, but what she doesn't know does not hurt me. So I put on this angry act since that is the only one she listens to.

"I need dick now."
She said looking at me like I was a bar of chocolate and she hasn't had chocolate in years.

"Janelle, Imma need you to leave me alone I'm working on getting somebody and you will just fuck that all the way up for me."

I honestly do love Kye and want to be with her, but Janelle big mouth self can't know about all that. She loves fucking with people's relationships.

"I honestly don't care, I want dick, your dick and I'm going to get it."
She grabbed me through my pants and started rubbing on me. She unzipped my pants with a quickness and slang my dick out like it was nothing. Her eyes got big as she took in my size.

"I don't know why you looking like that, you already knew that I was packing, but leave me alone and lose my number."
I put my dick back up and put my shit back on walking out the bathroom only to open the door and hit Kyelle in the head. Shit, can life get any worse.

"Oh, Kye, baby, I'm sorry are you okay?"

For a minute she just stood there looking a bit lost, but that sight, puzzled face quickly disappeared when Janelle ran out of the bathroom making me fall right on top of Kyelle. I'm not going to lie the position was amazing, my dick was pulsing right in between her legs and it took everything in me not to cum. Kyelle got up at the speed of light and the bell rang shortly afterwards, but she could not be away from me for long since we had the rest of our classes together.

Walking into the AP Gov. classroom, I saw Kye sitting at our usual seats. We always sit together and if she was really upset, she would move right?

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