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I got a ride from my cousin in order to get to Kye's house. Before leaving out I remembered to bring her house key and even a couple of her favorite snacks to ease her stress.

I zipped up my bag full of Mike and Ikes,  water,  and Captain Crunch before hopping into my cousin's car on the way to my niggalette Kye. 

I made it to her house and realized that we were still on Face Time,  so I might as well prank that ass,  but when I walked up to her room I saw her sitting in her swervy chair with just a Nike Bra,  boxers,  and a pair of socks on. 

Seeing her look like that sparked something in me and when I looked down  I was  slightly aroused. 

I was confused but still attempted to hide it by putting one of my hands in my pocket. I am not supposed to be looking or feeling this way about my nigga. 

I'm not saying that Kye isn't fine asf because in all honesty she is,  but she is like my bro and I've known her for forever and this has never happened before. 

I just don't know how she will react if I told her that I liked her. Shit, I like Kye. If I told her this it would mess everything up. 

This girl stands up for me to my bullies, wait, what if she finds out and thinks I'm weird.

I realized that I started pacing outside of her open bedroom door. Man, I swear Kye is deaf. I mean I am not light footed. 

Anyways, I need to stop freaking out so I can come in and help her with her work, because those pile of books that she has on her desk are looking vicious.

I decided that it was time for me to speak up so she knew I was here, so I got my phone back out and interrupted her complaining. 

 "Look outside your door, your bedroom door."

And with that I stopped the Face Time and looked at her shocked expression as I bite my lip gaining a full frontal view of her sexy body.

She tried to cover herself up, but I stepped into her room and came in for a hug. I felt her hard nipples pressed against my chest and I released quickly before anything happened.

"Umm... I'm sorry. Let me go put some clothes on."

She tried to get up from her seat, but I grabbed her hand pulling her back down, but she missed her chair and landed on my lap.

"You good. This is your house and you are acting like I have never seen you before." 

She started blushing slightly, but I saw her eyes go wide just as I was turning into a rock underneath her.

"Umm... I should go wash up." She sprung out of my lap and bolted to her bathroom.

I know for a fact she felt me underneath her and freaked out because she smelt like my favorite shower gel and lotion meaning that she just finished washing up, putting lotion, and cologne on before I came here.

I just hope I didn't fuck anything up. God, I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have let her sit on my lap. 

Memories of her telling me about how her brother used to treat her and how her Dad tried to sell her into prostitution when she was ten flashed into my mind.

Shit, I really fucked up.

 I know you maybe wondering since she's my best friend why didn't she know about my thing.

Well, it wasn't something that I talked about and I never really changed in front of her, especially after hearing about everything that happened between her, her brother, and her Dad.

I just couldn't muster up the courage to tell her, so I always hide it.  Or at least tried to.

When I was younger it was easier to hide, but now it has become almost impossible. 

Anyways I walked over to her bathroom door and tried to open it only to find it locked.

I listened to the door and heard her crying, so I began banging on the door and begging for her to open it up.

"Kye, Kyelle, please just open up the door I can explain. Kye, please don't do anything stupid, just open up we can talk about it if you want to. I'm so sorry. Kyelle."

She turned the lock on the door and I opened it slowly. Balled up in the corner right beside the toilet was Kye.

Her eyes were puffy and red and her arms which were wrapped around her legs were a slight pink color. She was still rocking herself in her ball when I tried to take a step towards her.

"Can you please just stay right there for right now? I mean like, just not move closer to me at least for right now. I just need to think and I don't need you touching me  or around me right now, because I just don't know how to feel about you. I mean, you could have just told me. Or is this a prank, a nightmare, is this for real? Just be one hundred right now and tell me. Please Beatrice, just be honest about it."

I  closed the door and sat down. I knew that she had a panic attack while in here since there was clutter all around her and her fingers were bleeding probably from her cutting them from some form of glass. 

"First off, you know I'm not going to hurt you, right? I would never hurt you. I never told you, because I didn't want to hurt you or have you to have flashbacks of the sick things you have been through.  And I just didn't know how I would or how I could start the conversation. "

She  unwrapped herself from her ball and just sat Indian style in the corner. She looked me in my eyes and it felt like she was staring into my soul. Her eyes turned black for a minute and she was devoid of any feeling.

  In that moment I could sense all the pain and confusion that she was feeling towards me.

"Is it okay if I move closer to you? " She nodded her head as I slowly got closer to her. 

I moved the rubble away from her knowing that I would probably have to sweep it up later and sat beside her. She laid her head on my chest and listened to my heart beat.

I remember her doing this a lot when we were 10, I never asked her why,  but I just guessed that it was safety thing.  She felt safe when she could hear my heartbeat,  when she knew that I was there and no harm could come to her in my presence.

"You're still my best friend.  It would be really irrational for me to just breakup years of friendship over this.  Your body parts don't have to match the female genitalia in order to be a woman. You are just different,  you always have been so this doesn't phase me. "

The tone she was using was of a person in a trance.   After she was done talking she looked up at me and smiled,  but it wasn't her real smile. 

She tried to hide it,  but I could tell something was missing and it was up to me to try to fix it.

"I love you, you're my best friend I know this is hard for you to take in and that you are trying.  I'm not going to push you to try harder,  but I need you to heal.  I know you never really got the chance to heal from everything that happened to you when you were younger,  but right now I need you to,  because I know those nightmares are holding you back from being your best possible you.  So stop putting on this brave face for me,  I don't need you to do that anymore,  you've done it for long enough.  Let yourself cry,  let yourself breakdown,  and just heal."

I had never seen Kye cry,  but as I felt the tear droplets land on my chest I rocked her and played with her hair.  She needed to let go of her past and I am happy that she finally took the first step to opening up and letting go.

And happier that she had enough confidence in me to allow me to be apart of the process.


So what are your opinions on Kye and Bea?
Do you think Bea should have hid that she is intersex from Kye?

Hope you enjoyed 💙

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