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And I


And I breathed and she sat and watched me for five excruciating minutes. Each second seemed like another forever from her, from the truth, or maybe that was just me being dramatically hopeless romantic. I need to look at this from the facts and just try to tell her from there.

"You hurt me. After knowing you for more than a decade, I thought you would never, but you hurt me. And I mean, I could have dealt with mentally and even emotionally hurting me, because I've grown numb to that. But you actually... did you try to kill me? Or kill whoever you thought I was? I just, I can't understand it Kyelle how one second you are fine and the next you are choking, scratching, and cutting me. It's been racking around my brain and I've just been trying to understand what was going through your head. And I've come to the decision that I just can't understand and maybe it's not for me to understand. But even with that and I hate to say this, but I don't feel safe around you anymore. I mean, I am so distraught right now and I am split into two because on one hand you are my safe place and you always have been and on the other I have this. I just, I don't really know what to think or..."

I didn't even know what to say after going off, so I just didn't say anything and waited for some response from her. Any type of response, but it was taking her too long.

"Maybe we jumped into this too fast. Maybe becoming intimate should not have been the first step logically speaking. So maybe if you want we can start over, but that's only if you get help and I'm serious about it. Next time you say that you are ready I don't want to end up almost dead again. do you hear me?" I laughed a little while saying this but she shook her head agreeing to what I was saying.

"I'm getting help. I'm back talking to my therapist. I thought that I had healed from the Dad and brother situation, but I haven't and it is not fair to you that I have not. Beatrice Adira, I love you so much and I never wanted to hurt you, but now that I have I want to build your trust back again. I want to be your protector just like you have protected me from everyone even myself again and again. I am so sorry for what I have done to you and in no way do I want you to get over it. I want and need you to hold me accountable and for you to help me to grow from this experience and help me to understand my triggers and notice them before they become a death sentence for you." She started to shed some tears as well which I just wiped away.

Kyelle is a good person and has always been so kind hearted. She just has a past that has been eating at her and will continue to if she doesn't take care of herself and I am going to help her do so with every bone in my body.

~Two Weeks Later~

Everything has been going well, we are a few months from graduating,and the time is flying by. Kyelle has been showing so much improvement and I am so proud of her.She has even been doing better in her classes and that is without me having to push her to do the work. The parents came back last week and I had a group discussion with all four of these people to tell them about my plan to officially make Kyelle my girlfriend. The Moms helped me with planning this little cute outing for next week which is about a two hour drive away.

 So long enough for Kyelle to know something is up, but not long enough for her to be scared about being kidnapped. Yea, kidnapped because they all agreed that that would be scary but romantic. I just hope my baby doesn't lose her shit. But on another note, before any of that can happen I am being forced to this soccer game. This game has legit been scheduled and rescheduled at least three times. I know Janelle is sick of it by now, because Jennifer who is usually chill and keeps her composure is actually showing emotion. For the past few weeks she has been showing up to school with ear plugs and only takes them out to hear Kyelle speak since Janelle and I sound too much alike at this point, whatever that means.

Anyways, we have gotten through the school week and are finally at this game. And that is what you've missed on Glee, no, I'm just kidding, but honestly that's my little recap.

I didn't realize soccer could be so interesting, Kyelle is going to get me some fried oreos with Jennifer since they have come to games before and are just here to talk. But there is some girl on the other team that I've heard referred to as Robo-Barbie and she is actually killing the game. She looks like a ninja out there sliding to get the ball, dribbling through all of our defenders, and getting to the goal. Lucky for our team Janelle is not about to lose on Senior Night, I mean this girl refuses to let that happen. Our team is actually fairly good from what I've heard, Janelle is apart of a Big Three on our team which features the main scorers. Janelle is the only senior out of the three which means the program is in good hands. I didn't notice Kyelle come back because Janelle had just made an amazing steal and was getting close to the goalie on the other side.

"Hey, honey, taste one of these they are amazing." Kye tapped me on my shoulder and without looking I grabbed one of the oreos stuffing it into my mouth before realizing that this shit is hot.

I did a mouthy little dance that made Jennifer and Kyelle laugh their asses off while my tongue was legit burning from the sweet but hot Oreos. After my dance I looked up and saw Jennifer and Kyelle cheering their asses off and Janelle doing her scoring routine. Janelle slid across the grass while playing an air guitar and I just slumped back onto the bleachers realizing that I missed a really good sequence. I'm going to fight Kyelle for making me miss it when she comes to my house tonight.

After the game Janelle was smiling from ear to ear, the team won, she got a hat trick, did the Senior routine with her parents, and surprisingly forced Jennifer to pass her camera to Kyelle so she could walk and get flowers as well. I had always seen Janelle as the princess/ drama queen, so to see her sharing the celebration with her sister was very heartwarming. Anyways, we walked to our cars and said our good byes until seeing each other again on Monday. Kyelle gave Janelle a hug which surprised all of us, but Janelle welcomed it a little too much as she held on for a little bit longer than I appreciated. It was just me being stupidly jealous, because Kyelle and Janelle have actually become pretty good friends. I'm happy for them, but my thoughts are a little toxic as well.

After the hugs were exchanged we got in the car and Kyelle headed to my house.

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