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What The Actual Fuck


Okay, I should've seen this coming and honestly this conversation is long overdue, but also this isn't my conversation to have. Like yes, I love Bea and I have hated hiding this from her for the past four years, but if it triggers my bestfriend then who am I to speak on it?

Jennifer and her girlfriend followed us to the extra bedroom where I sat us all down on the bed facing each other. Bea had questions all over her face and I felt really bad, but hopefully she'll get some answers.

Before anyone really dove into the topic Jennifer made introductions.

"Okay, Anna, these are my bestfriends Kyelle and BeatriceAdira. Bea, Ky, this is my girlfriend Anna." Jennifer made some hand motions during the introduction before going straight for the kill. "The girls names are Lucia and Nadia which means light and hope. I named them those because I didn't have them at the time." Anna rubbed Jennifer's back and I could see how much she loved my bestfriend which instantly made me happy.

Bea  looked confused, but  sat and listened waiting for all of her unasked questions to be answered.

"Kyelle has known about the twins since before they were born, she was actually the first person that I went to when I realized what happened. I remember crying and just not wanting to live anymore." Anna rubbed Jennifer's back and whispered encouraging words in her ear which made her smile.

"It was late April when it happened. I knew that Kyelle shared a similar experience which is why I came to her first, Kyelle explained everything to her Mom who called my parents and drove me to the hospital. I remember the drive, laying in Kyelle's lap emotionless. It was that April before freshman year of high school which is why I was home schooled that first semester. I was raped. I don't remember much just how I felt afterwards. I wouldn't let go of Kye when we got to the hospital and she ended up having to be in the bed with me, because every time anyone tried to touch me I would scream, begging them not to touch me. It was mostly just my memory coming back, but it scared all of the doctors. I didn't even know what I was remembering, but it was horrible. Kyelle had to rub my head and tell me that everything was okay for me to calm down and let anyone else get near me.  Several months later, I got sick and went back to the hospital. I was pregnant with twins. I was far enough along that they could tell, so I had no choice but to carry them until term. Kyelle and her Mom were there for the birth along with my Mom and Anna, Janelle and Dad wanted to be there, but I refused for them to miss her soccer tournament. I had met Anna a few weeks after I was raped and we started talking and I opened up to her. She with the rest of my family became my backbone."

I looked over at Bea trying to figure her thoughts as she looked shocked and turned back towards Jennifer and Anna. Jennifer had some tears in her eyes, but Anna quickly wiped them away then gave her a kiss on the forehead, which made Jenni smile.

I turned my attention back to Bea who's expression changed as she got up.

"Well, can I officially meet them?" Bea stood up with a smile on her face while looking at Jennifer and Anna for an answer.

Jennifer shook her head signaling yes and Bea smiled pulling me up from the bed. We all went back downstairs and the twins ran into Jennifer and Anna's arms.

"Momma, Auntie Janey was being mean again and told us that we can't stay with you and Mom for the games." The twins looked over to Anna pouting.

Jennifer looked over at me and Bea who gave her the go for them to stay then reassured them so Anna didn't have to.

"She's just being a meany, but if you all stay then you can't eat too much candy." Jennifer looked at both of them with her pinky out waiting for a promise.

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