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I woke up to Kye by my side. Her head was laying on my chest, her arms wrapped around my right arm, and one of her legs on top of me while the other reached beyond the covers. She looked comfortable, safe. Her lips held a slight smile.

I used to dream of waking up to her like this. And for her to finally admit her feelings to me, although she did believe I was in a deep sleep, was icing on the cake.

Knowing that we had to get ready for school I climbed on top of Kye and gave her peck kisses all over her face. With each peck a slight groan came from her lips, but she was not waking up. After waiting I had to go to more drastic measures.

I started kissing lower, stopping at her neck to suck, bite, and lick her until she woke up and hopefully some hickeys appeared.

After sucking for what felt like forever, Kye's eyes fluttered open right before the alarm rang.

"I could of had two extra seconds of sleep if it wasn't for your annoying ass."

Kye whined pushing me off of her before trudging out of the bed and opening the door to go to her room. I smiled looked at her ass twitch while she turned her hips in her natural walk.

"Mmm, that's just beautiful."

I playfully commented.

"Mhm, keep your hands, eyes, and early riser to yourself Beatrice."

Kye looked me up and down with a smirk before walking out of my door and into her room.

"Also, if you are not ready when I am, I will happily leave you Beatrice Adira."

Ooo the government, I snapped myself out of my daydream of her straddling my lap and leaped out of bed towards the bathroom.

After taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and the rest of my hygiene system I came out of the bathroom going towards the closet.

Around 5 a.m. I woke up and started putting my things inside drawers and closets. I noticed that there was already clothes and underwear inside my size, most likely from my last visit. My parents go out of town for work a lot, so my stuff being here is not surprising.

Anyways I went to the closet and picked out what I wanted to wear for school then pulled on some boxers and a bra.

I heard Kye coming, so I opened the door and let her speak.

"Yes, Kyelle."

Kye looked me up and down before clearing her throat in preparation.

"Umm...so you look nice, do you want breakfast?"

I rolled my eyes and put my blue polo shirt and khaki pants that I picked out on.

"You sound like a nigga and I'll get some at school. I'll be ready in a few."

I see that something has gotten into her to make her this cheery. She must be getting used to me or my kissing her unlocked some sort of happiness within her. She didn't look scared of me and I was happy for it.

"Okay, I'll go crank up the car."

I grabbed my phone and book bag before walking out of the room. I also went into Kye's room and picked out a new pair of earphones from her stash. I needed something to block out the hoes and acting deaf or ignoring them was not working.  After closing her door and locking the house I went towards her car waving the earphones, so she knew I had them.

"Kye, can I have these?"

She nodded her head and pulled off after I put my seat belt on.

After around two minutes of complete silence I went to turn the radio on, but Kye grabbed my hand.

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