VI. His

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This is going to be different than the other chapters. This one is going to be in his point of view during present time- not a recording.

I got into my car and took off to our movies.

I can't believe this is happening... After all this time and she just... texts me out of the blue to go to our movies. I don't know anymore... I hope she's okay. Why would she want me if Mark was still with her? Oh Shit! What did Mark do to her?! I pulled out my phone and called her-

Are you and Mark still together?

No that ended...

What did he do to you?!

Nothing just... he tried to... he lost his temper again.

What! I swear if he laid a finger on you I'll go up to him again.

Please don't... I don't want you getting hurt because he's stronger than you think. This time he didn't just punch me he... He tried to choke me, he tried to kill me...

And you didn't tell me! Why... Why didn't you tell me? That's it. I'm going over and I'm going to beat the crap out of him for hurting you. I don't care if you try to stop me now- he tried to kill you!

Please don't he didn't mea-

I hung up on her- before she could try to stop me. I texted her to keep going to the movies... I'd meet her there after. I looked up and-

It hit me before I even knew what it was. The semi truck rammed into the side of my car and I felt it. I felt the airbags deploy as my car lifted into the air and started flying into the nearby grass. All I could do was brace myself for the impact and wrap my arms around my head.

When it landed the impact was ten times stronger than I could've ever imagined. I felt my skull rattle inside my head, my legs and arms felt like jelly. It felt like I had no bones and I looked over at the shoulder I had landed on. The sight horrified me as I saw the blood gushing out, the bruise purple black bruise was already starting to form. I felt like my head was completely crushed as I passed out.

One day later...

I woke up in a hospital bed-

Why am I here!?

I tried to remember but I couldn't...

All I could remember was being angry... So angry I was about to lose my mind. And before that... Before that I remember... I remember I was in my car going somewhere... That's all I remember...

Wait no! I remember talking to her... Mark had done something... No! I have to get to him. I have to kill that bastard! He tried to kill her!!! I have to protect her... my love...

I have to get out but when I try to sit up a doctor rushes in and gently pushes me down- Ow! my chest hurts... my whole body hurts and I can't remember how I got like this.

"Good, you're awake now... Do you remember anything?"

"I remember that I was talking to her and I was angry... Mark had just tried to... tried to... I lost it! I just had the memory..."

"Shh shh shh... you'll get it back in time, but in the meantime you have to relax. Being angry will just make your recovery longer. You've suffered Traumatic amnesia, which means you've temporarily lost your memory but you'll be able to recover most of it in a couple of days if you try, but too much stimulation can delay the recovery.

"Wha... What happened?"

"You got into a car crash. Your brain was shaken up a bit, but you should be glad you didn't crack your skull. Your legs are beat up too and you're ankle's broken. Your arms aren't as bad as the rest, but you shoulder was dislocated and you have multiple bruises- we were able to put your shoulder back together when you were asleep."

"How did I get into a crash? What was I doing?"

"I do not know, but the ambulance rushed you into here after someone called and reported the accident."

"But I need to remember," I pleaded- this was aggravating me so much. I can't even hold on to my memories from a day ago!

"Your memories will come back in time, but now you need to rest. Is there anyone you want to be here right now?"

Oh no... I was supposed to meet her somewhere but where... to the movies! I needed to talk to her- she's probably angry I didn't... didn't what? Arg! I just had the fucking memory and now I can't even hold on to it!

"Yes... I want her. I need her. Can I see my phone?"

"I'm sorry but your phone was lost in the car wreck. If you give me a name I can go to the books and look up her number."

Her name... I can't even remember her name... What is her name? Wait... it's like Emma or Emme or Emily... maybe Ellie? Wait her number... god I feel it, I know it by heart but it won't come forward in this sea of chaos in my head. It's...

"9082805417," I rattled it off. I wasn't going to risk loosing that before I could say anything. Not like I did with her...

"Okay, I'll go make a call," the doctor slipped into the hallway.

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