II. His

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Our first date was amazing.

He smiles and points to a table in a restaurant.

See that table over there? The one with the yellow and red flowers. That was where our first date was. I still remember it like it was yesterday, only it was just over 3 years. You looked so gorgeous in that dress of yours. Your dark brown hair was so pretty in your new hair style. And then your dress, your bright red dress was so stunning, the folds were flowing out behind you like angel wings.

His eyes were glazed over from the memory.

And then you looked at me. And back then I thought I was the luckiest man alive to have you. You looked at me like in all the pictures and then you sat down in your chair as I pulled it out for you. You smiled at me and then I sat down as you started talking.

You said I was a great listener.

And I said you were a great talker.

You laughed at my joke and then we ordered the spaghetti. I knew you'd love it- The Lady and the Tramp was your favorite kids movie. We shared the bowl until the last noodle. That one we shared. But it broke, and I remember how I wanted to kiss you so badly, but I knew I couldn't, I knew I shouldn't, so I held back.

After the date I asked if you wanted to come over but you said you had to go. I wanted you to. I wanted you to stay with me so badly. But I didn't push, so i watched you get back into your car and drive off.

When I got home I dreamed of you. I dreamed of us, even though we had just meant a week ago. I was so sure of it, but now... now I'm not so sure at all. Well, I hope you watched this, and all the nest ones. But if you don't, I understand. You're probably with him right now. Bye.

He ends the video and sighs.

Why did I ever think it would work between us?

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