VII. His

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I could barely sleep last night after she left.

I don't know but something about her presence... comforts me. It makes me relax, like nothing bad can happen when I'm with her...

It's morning now and the doctor just gave me the bland hospital food, but all I want is her...

Christmas is.... Christmas is... I think it's in a couple of days but I can't remember. All I remember is vague memories of bits and pieces of my life... plus the story she told me yesterday... Can she come in now?

Almost as if she heard my thoughts, she came in the room, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Does that mean she stayed over night?

She had to have stayed the night... She still cares that much about me? I thought she was just telling me about our story so I could get my memory back but what if... what if she actually wanted me to remember us? I hope so because I still love her with all my heart... well what's left of it.

"Hey," she smiled at me and sat next to me, stroking my hand like yesterday.

"Hey... I think my memory is coming back a little, but I'm still really sleepy."

"Do you want me to finish the story of did you even hear me last night?"

"Yeah, I heard it... I loved it. Those people in that story were a wreck," I joked, but judging from her look I could tell she thought I had forgotten all the little moments we had shared.

"Right..." she said as she looked down and sighed.

"I was joking, girl. I still love you," I smiled and gripped her hand even tighter as I tried to laugh, but all that came out was a wheezing sound that made me sound like I smoked 10 packs a day.

Night time...

I woke up again when the doctor handed me some more water and hospital food. I ate slowly until I wondered where she had gone... Did she leave me?

"I made her go take a shower and change at her house. Her eyes had bags under them and she fell asleep in that chair with her head on the side of your bed. She needed rest, but she's coming back tomorrow," the doctor could probably tell that I was thinking of her from the sad look on my face.

"How much longer do I have to stay here?"

"We can't discharge you until you've got enough memory back, but that shouldn't take very long. Then there's your physical injuries to look at..." the doctor trailed off.

"But  for how long?"

"About a couple more days to a week- it varies between different patients, but right now you need to get back to sleep," the doctor said as he walked away.

I couldn't go back to sleep though. Not without her. Not now- she was the only thing connecting me to my past life and if I lose her... If I lose her I won't be me anymore. I don't even know why i even cared.

She probably thinks I'm pathetic- that I'm the one without anybody except her. She thinks I'm lonely and she's the only friend I've got. She pities me... she doesn't want me as much as I want her... but I need her now... I'm done playing. I have to get to her now.

I focused on that thought and forced myself to sleep so I could be awake when she came tomorrow.

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