I. His

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Is this thing even working or...

He adjusts the screen and smiles.

Ok, so how should I start this?

Umm... We've known each other since we were 17, for three years, 96 days, 12 hours, and 48 minutes. I remember because it was at a movie, and I kept on checking my watch because I knew I was going to be late. Then on the way to the theatre... I bumped into you and spilled all my popcorn on that ugly sweater you were wearing. I remember your eyes when you looked up at me. They were so beautiful, so blue, but your smile, now that was gorgeous. You had perfectly white teeth and your dimples were cute on your flushed cheeks.

He laughs, remembering that moment.

I'll never forget that moment. We both said sorry at the same time, and you started blushing. Then I just smiled and looked into your beautiful eyes... just gazing into those blue diamonds. So I asked if you were ok and you said you'd "never been better," and then you started laughing. I laughed too, and asked for your number, and surprisingly, you gave it to me. I'd never been happier before in my life.

You should've seen me when I got home. I was up all night, thinking about you... how beautiful you were.

He laughs, remembering the next day.

I overslept and I was late to work, but it was worth it. It was worth loosing a couple of hours to meet you. The next week I asked you out and you hesitated, but you said yes. I literally jumped up and down right in front of you, but all you did was do that cute little laugh of yours

. He opens it and pulls out a picture.

This was our first picture. You weren't even looking at the camera. All you were doing was looking at me and smiling. I had just told a joke and I asked if you would take a picture with me, but you didn't take your eyes off me. At first I was disappointed when I got home. I looked at the picture and I couldn't even see your whole face, but now I realize something.

Normal people just smile at the camera, but in almost every picture with me, you're never looking at it. You're always looking at me, never at the camera. Do you still love me? Did you ever really love me?

He sighs, his eyes are very distant as he remembers her.

So I guess I better stop now before I break down, but I hope you like it. I mean I think you will, but do you just want to meet in person?

He chuckles and looks at the ground.

Who am I kidding? You wouldn't want to meet me in person now, not after what I did to you. Would you? Ok, so I guess this is my first video for you... I umm... I love you.

He reaches over to the screen and stops it. The screen goes blank and he sighs. The disk pops out, and on the underside he writes 1 on it.

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