XIII. Christmas

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This chapter doesn't have a point of view.

2 days later...

"Alright, you're ready to leave now," the doctor smiled and shook hands with him.

"Thank you for all you've done," he replied as he put his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek.

"No problem, you are free to go now."

They walked out with their arms around each other, her head resting in the crook of his shoulder. He started rubbing his hand on her arm and leaned his head to rest on hers. They finally had Christmas Day together, even if it was in the evening, they still had each other. To them, nothing else mattered.

"I love you, Daniel..." she whispered as she continued to rest her head on his shoulder.

"I love you more, Hannah," he said as he pulled her even closer and hugged her even tighter.

At his house...

"Surprise!!!" they all popped out from behind the couch when Daniel and Hannah entered.

Hannah turned to join the cheering crowd of friends.

"I can't believe this!!! You guys are the best," Daniel was almost speechless.

"Well we couldn't just sit there and let you have that miserable of a Christmas. Especially after that crash... why didn't you call any of us?" the crowd questioned.

"I just... I don't know," he attempted to smile, but they started pointing to the tree anyway.

After presents...

Hannah laughed as Daniel told her a joke, and leaned against him as she fell sideways. She found his arms around her, and before she knew it, he had spun her around so they were face to face. He leaned forward and they kissed. They had never been so passionate before as they kissed in front of the Christmas Tree. They didn't even care that all their friends were watching. For a short moment, it was only them. The rest of the world was locked away... only them forever...

Two hours later...

After everyone left, Daniel realized just how exhausted he was. He sat down on the couch next to Hannah and put an arm around her. She fell into his arms and rested on his chest. He quickly fell asleep with her in his arms... it felt so... right.

Even Hannah fell asleep as quickly as he did- his steady breathing had put her to sleep.It felt so familiar yet so far away. The rhythm of his slow, deep breaths, were something she had fallen asleep to countless times before, but it felt like it had happened so long ago... almost as if it were in a different lifetime.


The last official chapter, but you all finally know their names!!! I hope ya'll are enjoying this story and please comment if you like this book, how I can change anything to make it better.

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