III. His

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He points the camera down an alleyway.

This... This was where our first kiss was. I finally kissed you that day. That time I couldn't keep it in any longer. I kissed you and you fell into my arms and wrapped your fingers around my waist. I chuckled, and pulled you even closer to me. Then you lifted up my shirt and ran your hands all over my chest. I grabbed you and pulled you even closer until there was no space between us, and you pulled out your arms and wrapped them around my back. I held you even tighter until I almost broke you. I got too comfortable. We had been together for a month, and I... I tried to unbutton your shirt.

He turns red, and looks down. A mixture of anger and sadness appears on his face.

You gasped and back away from me. At first you looked disgusted, but then you just looked down and started shaking your head. I tried to get your hand to hold it and comfort you, but you pulled it away and slapped me. I tried to talk, but you ran away, leaving me alone here. I wanted to chase after you, but instead I just let you go.

I stayed here for some time, sitting down on the ground. I tried to think it through, but in the end I was just sad. When I finally got up, I walked away with my head hung low and slumped shoulders. I thought I had lost you. Forever.

The video is cut, but it starts again in his house.

When I finally got home, I saw you had left a voice mail. At first I was afraid to play it, I thought you were going to be yelling at me, but instead... Instead you seemed so sorry and apologetic. In fact, I think you were crying even. Were you? I forgot to ask you the next time I saw you. I was too worried about the attack. You made me hate myself. You were crying for me, even though I was the one that hurt you.

But I waited to call you back. I think it was a couple of days, even. I tried to give you time to think it through... Time to think about the... you now. But I couldn't wait longer than that.

He stats to drift off, his eyes distant with the memory.

I know you're probably off with him now, but if you ever feel like you and I could become us again, then just tell me. Right now I just feel so... Lost, like I don't have a place. You were the best part of me, and now you're gone, leaving only me alone. This worthless piece of junk now.

He gestures to himself. Then he looks back up, his eyes sad and helpless.

If you're watching this, please just send me a voice mail, or even a text. I just need to hear you, just talk to you once. I've barely talked to people since we broke up. You're still second on my contacts list. And that's only because of my parents. I visited them a couple week ago for Thanksgiving. And they asked how we were doing... I told them the news and they got really, really mad. I don't think I can talk to them right now. So please, I'm begging you, just talk to me. All I want for Christmas is you.

He smiles, and this time it's a true, warm smile.

Now, I'm going to end this before I start singing. You've heard me before, and if you remember how it sounded, just let me tell you it hasn't improved. So bye and... text me. Get back to me about that question if you were crying. See you... I don't know when...

The video ends and he writes a 3 on the back.

Only six more to go until my final goodbye to her.

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