VI. Hers

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This is going to be like the last chapter, but the time is what was happening during his accident.

He hung up on me. I hate it when he does that, but I knew there was no way I could stop him now.

Oh god, I hope he doesn't beat Mark up too badly... I don't know why I still care about him... I just do. I know I don't love him... I don't even like him but it's... complicated. I guess it's because I just spent so much time with him and underneath his temperamental cover up, I know there's a really sweet guy but... I just haven't seen that guy in forever.

After I pulled into the parking lot, I entered the theatre and bought tickets. I went inside and sat on a bench. I waited for what seemed like hours until I saw him.

No, not him, but him. Mark. I looked over and he was laughing with some other girl but then I saw her kiss him... How could he do this? Yes, I know I don't like him but still... I guess nothing with him was real then if he was already with another girl.

Oh god, he looked over at me while I was staring at them and said something to his girl. Then he started walking towards me so I pretended like I had to go to the bathroom. I got up and started towards the restrooms. I looked back as I quickened my pace- he was walking faster now too. I almost broke into a sprint, but I kept walking until I reached the bathroom. I went into the nearest stall and locked myself in.

Shoot, I've got to learn how to control myself easier... Where was he? He was supposed to meet me at the movies after he went to Mark's to beat him up, but Mark isn't there so doesn't that mean he should've been here by now?

After a few minutes I came out and looked for him. I go over to the entrance and he's still not there... the movie started a couple of minutes ago. I go into the theatre anyway, hoping he'll be there,  waiting for me, but the seats are taken and he isn't in there. I look again but this time I see Mark- I guess its a good thing he wasn't there, so I decide to leave... I hope this wasn't all a big joke to him...

Was this all a joke for him? Did he just wait it out until I was the desperate one- the one to text him first? Were the movies just another way of making me regret my choice... but he did sound sincere during that one call...

I shook my head as I got in my car and drove home. When I got there, I just collapsed on to my bed and closed my eyes.

The next morning...

I wake up, and I realize what time it is-

How did I ever sleep that long? 16 hours! Good thing I don't have work this morning... glad it's our week off for Christmas...

I jump when my phone rings and I look at the number- it's from the hospital! The first thing I think of is my parents, but when the doctor starts talking, I instantly know it's him.

Oh god, how did he get into a car wreck?! Maybe he was angry at... me. It's my fault all over again. First I break his heart and now he's almost dead because of me. I'm pretty sure I'm the last person he texted before the crash... Why does it always have to be my fault?

I rush into my car and drive off to the ER.

When I get there, I run to the woman at the counter and tell her who I'm there for, and she calls a doctor to escort me to his room. I'm lead to the very back of the ER, and I walk into his room-

It was way worse than I thought. I don't know what I was thinking... I guess some scrapes and bruises but this was... he looked like a zombie! I dropped my things and ran to his side to hold his hand. I look at his strong arms... They're covered in black- blue bruises, but his face is even worse. One side of his face is completely purple with red scratches and scrapes...

Why did this have to happen to him of all people? He's the best guy a girl could ask for yet it had to happen to him... because of me. If only I hadn't picked Mark! Ugh! I'm sick and tired of all of this shit. If it weren't for him, I would've been gone a long time ago. The only reason I'm still hanging on to life is because of the tiny hope that he'll come back but now... I'm not sure- he did ask for me of all people to be by his side right now...

I look at his face, focusing on the good side, when he opens his eyes. He stares back at me and starts to talk, but all I do is put my finger over his mouth and tell him to be quiet. He looks so confused... but then he looks relieved but just as soon he looks angry and confused again.

Must be the amnesia.

The doctor told me if I tell him stories about the past it'll help him remember... I take a breath and start telling our story from when we first met. I told him about how we met, our first date, kiss... everything- all of our little talks that I still remembered.

Several hours later...

"Miss, I know this is hard for you, but you have five more minutes until the hospital is closed off from the public. If you want, you can stay in the lobby but not in here," a doctor comes in and I say goodbye as I let go of his hand.

I decide I can't go back to my house. Not right now. He needs me, and if I'm going to allow myself to leave him right now, then I don't deserve him.

I never did... but still he wanted me...

I eventually fall asleep in that hard chair in the lobby. Tomorrow I'll finish our story...

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