Chapter 1: New Friend

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Disclaimer - I do not own PJO or HOO. All rights to our dear Uncle Rick.


Six years old Percy sat by himself in the back of his first-grade class, toying with a pencil as the teacher talk on and on and on. He knew he should listen, but he couldn't find the strength to do so. Kindergarten was the same as always and Percy long for something different. 

It seems like his wish for once come true as there was an urgent knock on the door, making the teacher frowned as she opened it, frowning at whoever is outside. Percy didn't look up until he heard quick footsteps walked into the room, mumbling a soft apology and sitting down beside Percy in the back of the classroom. 

Percy looked over, startled when he sees a girl with long wavy auburn hair sat down beside him. She looked up, startling Percy, even more, when he realized her eyes are silver, like the moon. The girl scowled at him when he noticed he was staring and he quickly averts his glance, not wanting to see what this girl will do to him. 

Percy turned his focus to the teacher, staring blankly at the whiteboard as the teacher write words Percy was trying to figure out with his dyslexia getting in the way. He squirmed at the board as he frowned at the words. 'Bake you poke nok'

"It says to take out your notebook," the girl next to him whispered in his ears softly as Percy nodded his thanks. She didn't see it though, just staring back into the whiteboard and looking bored. 

When the bell rang, Percy was one of the first to rush out, not wanting to stay in the suffocating classroom any longer. He went toward his usual spot under a tree, watching other kids play as he ate his snack by himself. 

"Why don't you join them?" 

Percy jumped up at the voice as he looked at the new girl from his class in surprise when she sat down beside him. Percy shrugged before going back to eating his snack. 

"I'm Luna by the way," the girl spoke up again after a moment of silence, making Percy looked up once more as he swallowed his food. 

"Percy," he smiled at the girl before going back to his food. A question suddenly appeared in his mind as he turned to Luna. "Why did you move here in the middle of the year?"

"Can't I move here in the middle of the year?" Luna countered in a slightly challenging tone as Percy shrugs. 

"I don't know. I don't think anyone comes to this school in the middle of the year."

"Then I'll be the first," Luna joked lightly, making Percy smiled again. 

"Nah, you'll be the second," he said casually as he finished another blue cookie, making Luna raised her eyebrow.

"And why's that?"

"Because I'm the first," was his only answer as he started munching on another blue cookie, making Luna started at the boy in front of her in disbelieve. 


Eight years old Percy was one of the first people to rush off the bus when they arrived at the aquarium, the most interesting place Percy had ever been in. Luna ran down after him, her arms crossed with a cute pout on her face. "I thought you said you'll wait for me."

"You're just too slow," Percy stick his tongue out at her as Luna rolled her eyes. They had been best friends for two years now and Percy couldn't imagine life without her. He told her everything, what's on his mind, his interest, but he never told her about Gabe, his disgusting step-father. He knew for a fact that it'll worry her beyond belief and she might even kill Gabe if no one stops her. So he lied about it, always saying why they couldn't go to his house.

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