Chapter 11: Hidden Behind The Mask

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Hey! Yeah... it's a bit later than usual but I got it out! Not sure if I rushed it a bit but I feel like I did. Not my best work and there are possibly still some mistakes here and there so feel free to point that out. I swear I'm working on my writing schedule!

And thank you to everyone who submitted a hunter! I can't guarantee that all of them will be in the story but I'll try my best. With that being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Quick heads up, there will be a short story titled "The Huntress and the Hero" coming up after this one. It'll show more of Percy and Artemis' childhood!

- Kathy


Percy was full-on sprinting next to Thalia, who seemed to be lightly jogging. He reached up and wiped away the sweat on his forehead. His breath was uneven and he could feel his leg tiring out. Even as a demigod who has been running from monsters since he was twelve, running with the hunters takes it to a completely new level.

They never truly tire out and could go on for miles without any rest. "Can... we... take... a break?" Percy asked in between heavy breaths, earning an eye roll from Thalia.

"We just took a break about thirty minutes ago-"

"Boys are all weak," Cathline grumbled beside Thalia. Percy glanced over with a half-glare, biting his tongue to prevent himself from arguing with the hunter.

"And to continue where I left off," Thalia spoke up with an annoyed look. "We'll arrive just about... now."

They stopped at a clearing, where silver tents were set up. Percy blinked a few times when he saw a silver dome blink into view before disappearing again. He looked up, squinting and trying to make out the invisible barrier he just saw around the hunter's camp. Thalia walked over with an amused look.

"Lady Artemis put a barrier around us. It keeps monsters away and has a small detection spell," Thalia explained. "Though the barrier seems to be fading more and more with each passing hour. Eleanor, the only daughter of Hecate in the hunt is trying her best to keep up the barrier."

Thalia looked up at the sky once more. She looked toward Cathline, the second in command. "Emergency protocol. Set up hunters around the perimeter."

"You got it, Lieutenant," Cathline nodded before running toward the other hunters. Some are preparing their catch, some are already at the archery range, shooting arrows, and others are just hanging around, talking among themselves. Most in a group of two or three. Thalia turned back to Percy, who studied the scene with interest. Many sent glares at him when they caught him staring.

"Come on, I suspect there are some things you need to tell me," Thalia said. Percy nodded and the two of them made their way toward the second biggest tent. Thalia whispered a word under her breath before unzipping the tent flat, inviting him in.

The tent was much bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. There was a bed, a desk, a fireplace, and a small sofa. Thalia walked toward the lantern next to the door and turned it on. She did the same to the one next to her bed and the biggest light on the ceiling.

"So... what happened to Artemis?" Thalia finally asked when the two of them settled down on the chair. Percy sighed before going over what happened with Artemis and him in the forest. His fist was clung tightly as he retold the tale. He doesn't understand why Artemis had jumped in front of him when she had her own life to worry about. He would rather take the blow for her, not the other way around.

"... and Apollo took us to his hospital and he informed us that she's in a coma," Percy concluded. Thalia let out a small gasp, leaning forward.

"How can a goddess be put into a coma?" She asked, a frown presented on her face. Percy shrugged but a look of worries flashed across his face.

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