Chapter 16: Not As Strong As She Seems

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Disclaimer - I do not own PJO or HOO

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I am back! for real this time, i think. I'm actually really excited to continue this because i actually have a lot of ideas I've never put on paper. 

I'm not sure if I'm going to go back to my once a week schedule or just write everyday or every other day until summer break end but it's getting done people!! 

hope you enjoy this chapter! (we're finally learning more stuff)

- Kathy

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When Artemis woke up the next day, there were tears streaming down her face. She has no ideas where the tears came from though. Goddess doesn't dream and she doesn't remember a dream so she knew for sure that it isn't a dream. Hastily wiping the tears away, Artemis wrapped her arms herself.

There was something missing, but she couldn't really find out what. She hastily put on her clothes, glancing at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes were red from crying and she hated how weak it made her look. Sighing, she wiped her face, pulling her auburn hair into a braid behind her back. Deciding that she looked presentable enough, she walked out the tent to greet this new day.

Thalia was waiting outside, her arms crossed and her feet tapping on the ground.

Artemis paused mid step, taking in the look on Thalia's face. "Good morning, Thalia."

"What happened?" Thalia asked instead, taking Artemis' wrist and dragging her out of ear shots of the campers. "You flashed Percy away and didn't appear for hours. I tried to grill Percy when he appeared, but he just glared at everything and disappeared again. So, what happened?"

"Nothing happened," Artemis crossed her own arms, staring down her huntress. A part of her wondered when she allowed Thalia to read her so well. Although it was nice to know that Thalia felt comfortable enough to talk to her like a friend, gods know she needs one right now.

Although it had only been a few days, she still felt as if she was half empty from the absence of Percy in her life. "I don't believe that."

"Thalia, just drop it," Artemis sighed, and Thalia gave her a look of concern. She knew she looked horrible right now, even with her face still flawless, her eyes were tired. It was as if someone ripped out half of her heart. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Did you at least listen to what Percy had to say?" Thalia asked gently. "I know he could be a dumbass sometimes but I think it was just a misunderstanding and-"

"HE KISSED ANOTHER GIRL!" Artemis exclaimed loudly, and Thalia flinched back. She sighed, hastily wiping away her tears once more. "I'm sorry, Thalia, I-"

The words hung in the air around them, before Thalia took a seat on the forest ground, patting the space beside her. Artemis took a seat, and before she could comprehend what was happening, Thalia had wrapped her arms around the goddess. "You love him."

Artemis buried her head in the crook of Thalia's shoulder, a small sob escaping her lips. She really had gone soft, rarely could she be found crying, ever. She was a goddess for goodness sake, and immortals do not cry. "I hate him."

"It's okay," Thalia whispered quietly, rubbing a hand through Artemis' hair soothingly. "It's okay. I understand."

"I thought huntresses aren't supposed to have lovers," Artemis muttered out quietly, head still hidden behind Thalia's hair. "Are you telling me you broke your vow?"

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