Chapter 7: Confusions

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Disclaimer - I do not own PJO or HOO. All rights to our dear Uncle Rick.


AN: Hey! I'm back with my Monday update! It's earlier than usual but I think everyone is okay with this. 

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. The story is only getting started!

- Kathy


Artemis sat on her moon chariot, her hand supporting her head as she leaned on the side, peering down at the view below her. The forest was pretty quiet, the leaves dancing with the autumn wind as Artemis closed her eyes, enjoying the cool breeze against her skin.

Everything was blurring together. Her thoughts, her emotions, her actions surrounding her best friend, Percy. The more she tried to understand it, the more confused she was.

We're just friends, nothing else, nothing more, she thought to herself, ignoring the part of her that wanted to be more than friends. She shoved the feelings aside without giving them any more thoughts but it was starting to annoy Artemis.

The foreign feeling.

Just take a break from being with him, a part of her whispered and she agreed to it almost instantly. If it means the feeling would go away, she would go for it. At least for a while. It's her most logical option.

But it'll worry him, was her other thought as she pondered over her first idea.

Or you can just confront Percy about it, another part of her whispered but Artemis quickly shoved it away, another feeling slowly rising.


She fears losing Percy, of what would happen if she told him. Told him about the weird tingly feeling she was feeling.

She needed time for herself. She needed time to sort out her thoughts before she faced the problem head-on. Artemis wasn't usually the person to run away from her problems but this one was too frustrating for her to face just yet.

I'll get to it one day, was her only thought as she landed the moon chariot next to her hunter's camp, getting off the chariot as she snapped her fingers, changing back into her normal hunting attire.

Thalia was waiting for her on the border. "How was the hunt, Artemis?"

Artemis stumbled with her words for a while before quickly composing herself. "It was quite great actually. Is there anything to report?"

Thalia shook her head slightly. "The last hunt was normal. Though our scout reported that she saw a new brand of monsters."

Artemis furrowed her eyebrow in confusion as Thalia started to explain. "She reported that the monster looks deadly-"

Artemis cut Thalia off before she could continue. "Aren't all monsters deadly?"

"Just listen, I'll get to it," Thalia promised as she continued. "It has black blood instead of red and its sense is better than most. That's all the information we could gather without getting too close and being attacked."

Artemis nodded with a thoughtful look on her face, thinking that there's something familiar about the monster that she couldn't quite place. She had hunted many different monsters in her life but never once had she encountered a monster with black blood. Although her memory couldn't quite place any monster like that, she kept on getting the feeling that she had.

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