Chapter 9: Baby Sister

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Disclaimer - I do not own PJO or HOO. All rights to our dear Uncle Rick.


AN: Little announcement before we dive into the chapter. I changed the prophecy around a bit. So for the last line, instead of "A hero's breath the final sacrifice." it's changed to "The time rewind, the final sacrifice."

Anyways, enjoy! Remember to vote on the poll on my profile :D If all goes well, there will be a double update this week. Buckle your seatbelt, cause this chapter is about to get... a little wild.

Also, little help to those of you having trouble viewing new chapters. For example:

1. Prologue

2. Chapter 1

3. Chapter 2

4. Chapter 3

Chapter 3 is the new chapter but you can't access it. Usually, it helps if I click on chapter 1. For some reason, it'll pop up and I can go down from there. PM me if you have more questions.

- Kathy


"Are you going to the party?" Thalia was the first to break the silence as Artemis scanned the letter again, wondering if it's a joke her brother and Hermes were pulling on her. Thalia spoke up once more. "I didn't know the Olympians celebrated Christmas."

"We don't," Artemis stated. Thalia frowned as Artemis mused to herself. "It's possible that it's a prank pulled by my idiotic brothers."

Artemis studied the letter once more as Thalia took a sip of her milk, looking at her mistress with curiosity. Never once had she heard that Olympians celebrate Christmas with it being a holiday to celebrate another god. The hunters themselves have small celebrations every now and then, giving each other small gifts and listening to Christmas carols from time to time. Artemis joins them every once in a while but Thalia had never thought that the other Olympians even know of Christmas.

Artemis let out a groan of annoyance, grumbling under her breath. "This letter doesn't seem like a prank-" Her sentence was cut short when another letter the size of a notecard appeared once again. Artemis snatched it out of the air as she scanned through it, her face showing anger as she ripped the notecard into pieces, storming into the room she was sharing with Percy soon after.

Thalia simply raised her eyebrow as she watched Artemis storming out of their room a few minutes later, a confused Percy behind her. His hair was a mess but he doesn't seem to care. His eyes barely looked opened as he tried to rub the sleep out of them.

Artemis was about to walk out of the door when another similar letter appeared. Before she could rip that, Thalia snatched it away from her mistress. A teasing grin appearing on her face when she read it. Artemis glared at her as Percy looked between the two of them, trying to figure out what's going on.

Thalia cleared her throat as she started reading. "Dear Arty-"

"Don't you dare Thalia Grace," Artemis threatened as Thalia shrugged, pretending to look over her shoulder, frowning.

"I don't see any Thalia Grace around," she turned toward Percy, who stared blankly at her. "Do you see a Thalia Grace around?"

Percy gestured toward Thalia helplessly as he sneaked a look at his fuming best friend. "A-aren't you Thalia Grace? I mean... I thought that's your name?"

Thalia sighed, mumbling 'idiot' under her breath as she spoke up again, making her voice loud and clear while trying to flinch away from Artemis's glare. They may be half-sisters-

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