Chapter 13: Unsolved Tension

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Disclaimer -  I do not own PJO or HOO


Hi...? Sorry, it took me so long to finally update something, I have no reason for it except for loss of motivation from time to time and not being satisfied with what I have written. So... you can probably say I delete a few parts a lot of times. This version is finally the one that satisfied me so I hope it's okay. 

I make no promise when I'll update next but if all goes to plan, I'll be updating soon (maybe not that soon because summer school ask for a lot but I'll try), because I wrote "finishing botw" as one of my summer to-do list so I better do it haha. 

without further ado, enjoy this chapter!


A flash of pain made Percy tremble, but a weight on his arms made him widen his stance and catch the woman laying there. His eyes wandered around the empty parking lot but beside him and the unknown woman in his arms, there was no one. His groceries bags were on the ground and he slowly bent down, picking them up.

The last thing he remembered was walking out of the store... then nothing. He felt a binding headache that disappeared as quickly as it came and then it was all quiet and calm once more. Percy glanced down at the woman in his arms, she has dark hair and dark purple eyeshadow. Her eyes were closed but they seemed to be fluttering.

Afraid that he was the reason for the woman's unconsciousness, Percy picked her up bridal style and carried her to his car, strapping her in the back seat before driving back to his mom's apartment, where he's staying for the next few weeks.

As he pulled up in front of the apartment, he let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Percy glanced back at the woman once more, puzzled by her appearance. She could be a goddess, she could be a titan, she could be a monster in disguise for all he knows. But he was sure she was no mortal, there seems to be this mysterious aura surrounding her that Percy couldn't quite figure out.

Shaking his head, Percy unbuckled his seat belt and walked out of the car, carrying the mysterious woman once more. He was glad that his mom and Paul weren't home today, they were scheduled to come back tomorrow from their three days road trip. It was a chance to relax and have fun before the baby was born.

Percy gently laid the woman on the sofa, putting a pillow under her head before walking into the kitchen, setting the groceries on the table. He walked back into the living room soon after, standing in the doorway as he observed the woman.

There was something about her that seemed familiar. Maybe it was the way she curled herself up, hugging the spare pillow, or maybe it's the way her hair covered her face. Percy shook his head once more, trying to clear his mind as he slowly approached her, sitting beside her. He couldn't describe the feeling, but he felt like he should know her. Maybe he'd met her on Olympus before, but there was a nagging voice in his mind that said otherwise.

It was a closer relationship, a part of him feels like she's her sister, a part of him recognizes her as a close friend, but there was no denying the love that he held for her. But it was a different kind of love than the way he loved Artemis.

The way her eyes would lit up whenever he commented something stupid. The way she'll lean on his shoulder as they watch the stars. The way she cuddles close to him as they watch a movie on a weekend. There was no denying it, Percy knew he loved her. And he wants to give her his everything.

Sighing, Percy closed his eyes, leaning against the sofa. His eyelid felt heavy and before he knew it, he slipped off into a restless sleep.


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