Chapter 4: Fates' Idea Of Break

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Disclaimer - I'm a girl, my name is Kathy, I'm am not a boy nor do I have the name Rick. I do not own PJO or HOO. All rights to our dear Uncle Rick. 


This chapter will mostly cover HOO and I'll apologize in advance if any information is wrong, I haven't read the books in a while and I don't have it on hand right now.

And with that being said, that's dive into the next chapter! (I hope the length satisfied you guys.)

- Kathy


Percy found himself near Camp Half-blood's lake he founded a while ago, staring at the sky once more after the battle of the Labyrinth. A lot of demigods were wounded or killed in the battle. Many lose their life that day to protect camp but camp half-blood is safe for the time being.

"Hey Percy," a voice greeted, making Percy turn in surprise as he scowled at his best friend.

"Stop scaring me like that Arty."

Artemis glared at him as she sat down beside him, hugging her knees to her chest, in her twelve years old form. "Stop with the nickname Perseus."

Percy pouted as Artemis stared at him seriously, but a trance of a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, letting Percy know she isn't serious. "Fine Moonbeam."

"That's still a nickname," Artemis protested as Percy sighed.

"You don't like them?"

"No... it's not like I don't like them, it's just like, I like them but at the same time I don't like them," Artemis rambled on, trying not to show her true emotions. She likes the nicknames a bit too much for her own liking. Percy raised his eyebrow as Artemis' cheek turned slightly red at her own rambling.

"So you'll admit you like them?"

"Just drop the topic Percy," Artemis glared at her best friend who just smirked at her. That boy-

"Whatever you say, Arty," he hummed innocently as Artemis continued to glare at him, growing slightly as he looked at her nervously.

"So, what brought you here?" Percy finally asked as he leaned back, thinking there's a tree behind him. He fell flat onto the forest ground, making Artemis burst out laughing. He groaned as he slowly pushed himself up, wincing slightly.

"Do I need a reason to see my best friend?" Artemis asked, her laughter finally dying down. Percy shrugged slightly.

"I just thought you will be with your hunters," he admitted.

"I am with my hunters," Artemis said, making Percy raise his eyebrow once more as he gestures to her with his hand.

"Uh... no, you're here with me..." Artemis chuckled slightly at his confusion as she stated simply.

"I'm a goddess, remember?"

"Right, totally forgot that my best friend is the man hating goddess herself," Percy face palmed as Artemis frowned slightly at his world.

"I'm not that man hating am I?"

"Yeah, because you totally don't turn male who saw you bathing into a deer and make his own dog eat him alive and you totally don't have a habit of turning male into jackalopes," Percy replied sarcastically.

"Watch your mouth, boy. Or you might be next," Artemis growled at him threatenly as Percy opened his mouth, about to resort to her comment but something in his best friend's eyes told him to go along. He coughed awkwardly.

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