Chapter 19: Calm Before the Storm

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hey bitches, i'm back! after over an year? i know, shocking to me too. but i got a moment of epiphany and wrote this whole chapter in the last two to three hours. you're welcome or i'm sorry

anyways, maybe I'll feel inspired again when i don't want to study and instead choose to write, but for now this is what you're getting. 

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1 night ago

Artemis had never faced sleeping problems before, but sleeping beside Percy made her hyper aware of everything she's touching. She stared up at the ceilings blankly, hoping to ignore the warmth that is emitted from Percy's side of the bed.

After the whole thing with Estelle happened, Percy had offered her a place in his room in case Estelle came back, and Artemis accepted. But sleep was not coming as easily as she had hope.

When she finally fell asleep, she was haunted by dreams.

"Lady Diana," the wolf in front of her, shifted to Lupa, and Artemis felt her Roman counterpart took over before she could do anything about it.

"Lupa, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Diana took a seat besides the other goddess, who tended to the fire in front of them. "You aren't known to interact with Olympian affairs."

"Time has changed, Diana," Lupa sighed. There was a blood moon that hung above them, and Diana glanced up with curiosity. "Nothing is as it seems, and I fear our time is almost near."

Diana blinked, her mind struggling to keep up. "What time? Don't tell me you're about to die, Lupa."

"It's a warning," Lupa stated quietly. "Night is falling, but the stars will light their ways. The mistress won't wait long, soon the battle will come to you. My wolves are on their trials, but there's not much they can do. Prepare the army, Diana. Soon we will meet on the battlefield."

"So war is almost upon us, then?"

"It pains me to say, but I believe so," Lupa sighed dejectedly. "We shall meet soon, Lady Diana."

The dream faded, and Artemis woke up gasping. Percy laid peacefully beside her, his hands curled protectively around her midsection, and she found herself curling into his arms. Into safety. Lupa's words echoed in her mind, and she noted it down to mention to her father in the progress meeting later that day.

The moon still hung high in the sky outside the bedroom, but Artemis found herself restless.

She slipped out of Percy's embrace quietly, tucking the blanket into his sides and letting out a quiet breath when he curled back up against the blanket. She didn't want to wake him just yet.

The kitchen light was on when Artemis went in, and Estelle sat quietly on the counter, nursing a cup of hot chocolate. She looked up when Artemis walked in, and offered her a half smile, twirling her ring with her index finger.

"Hey," Estelle smiled tentatively, and Artemis returned it. "You want something to drink? I still have some leftover hot water from-"

Artemis snapped her fingers and brought herself a cup of hot tea. Estelle blinked. "Or you can just do that."

Artemis let out a small laugh and took a seat beside the woman. It still felt surreal to be sitting beside the woman who was supposed to be only a few days old, yet already have twenty-two years of war under her belt. "Thank you for offering."

Estelle hummed in response, and they sat in silence.

"You love my brother," it was Estelle who broke the peace that hung over them. Artemis swallowed, turning towards the other woman, who raised an eyebrow in response. "I'm right, right?"

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