Chapter 6: Just Life

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Disclaimer - I do not own PJO or HOO. All rights to our dear Uncle Rick.


I'm back! Good news and a new chapter!

Good news: I uploaded the rewritten version of chapters 3 and 4 so now chapter 5 will actually make sense! And of course, I'm back with my weekly Monday updates so you get to enjoy chapter 6 as well!

And below the author's note is the chapter! No spoilers from me but I hope you guys enjoy this!

(Also, my beta reader disappeared this week so I proofread it myself a few times but there might still be a few grammar mistakes. The same goes for my rewrites chapters)

- Kathy


Percy sat under the starry night sky, lost in his own thoughts as he pondered over everything that happened during the last twenty-four hours of his life. He knew death was guaranteed while fighting a war but it didn't help with the pain in his chest. He pulled his knees toward his chest as he founded himself on the edge of Olympus once more, watching the mortals below walking around, their biggest problem is their grade or whether or not they have enough money to pay for the high taxes.

He doesn't want to spend his waking day worrying about whether a monster is attacking or not, whether his friend is dead or not. He wants his biggest problem to be homework again. Percy sighed as he hugged his knees closer to his chest.

A small smile was brought to his face as he sorted through all the memories of Annabeth and him. She was his second best friend next to Artemis, and Percy trusted her with everything, knowing she'll always have his back.

His mind flashed to Tatrarus as he shuddered, hugging himself tighter. He turned around to look behind him, frowning when he saw the outline of Annabeth before it disappeared just as quickly as it came. He rubbed his eyes.

How tired am I to be seeing things? He wondered to himself as he continued to watch the mortals. It was just him and his thoughts tonight. He couldn't help but let his mind wander to his mom and his step dad, Paul Blofis. How are they doing?

He stood up subconsciously as he walked toward the bridge that separates Olympus and New York. He suddenly stopped a few inches away from the elevator, glancing back at Olympus. The street light still shone brightly, illuminating the magnificent city of the Gods. The party was still going on but he couldn't bring himself to enjoy it.

Percy took a deep breath before stepping into the elevator, stepping into his new life without Annabeth by his side. He pressed the button that brought them to the ground floor, for once noticing that the music wasn't as cringy as the music he had heard previously.

"Running from the past.

Tripping on the now.

What's lost can be found.

It's obvious."

Percy leaned against the wall of the elevator, closing his eyes slightly before a 'ding' brought him out of his own little world that he had fallen into. He walked out of the elevator, walking through the empty lobby of the Empire State Building, hearing his own footsteps.

He walked toward the double glass door, finding it opened as he pushed it, walking out of the building and smelling the familiar sense of New York. The familiar sound of cars honking at one another. It wasn't perfect but it's home.

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