4↝𝒏𝒐 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒆.

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you woke up in confusion. You had no idea what was going on. you looked at your phone to realized it was 10: 25am. 3rd period

"AH SHIT" you screamed as you fell out of the bed. "WHY DIDN'T HE WAKE ME UP"

you got up like the bad bitch you are and went to look for your school uniform.

"WHERE IS IT WTFFFF" you looked  around the room for your skirt.

"AND THIS MF DROVE ME HERE. HOW AM I." you scratch your head.

"Good game" you sighed in defeat.

you looked on the nightstand and saw a note with your name on it


Miss gurl you didn't want to wake up. Like I shaked you, pinched you and all you did was roll over... Seemed to me you were having a wonderful dream since you were smiling and giggling. Anyways I'm going to say you're sick so you can rest okay? There's food downstairs if you want it. And your clothes are in the dryer.

Love, Your Nerdy Captain <3

that gave you butterflies.


"Ah shit no school for me" you talked to yourself with a grin on your face.

you stood there realizing that you have no idea how you're going to go back home.

"Who can I call? No one from Nekoma. Karasuno kiddies would take too fucking long. AHA I GOT IT." you ran to get your phone.

Ew drink Bleach

{11:49 am}

That Bitch!

Ew drink Bleach
No fuck off!

Ew drink bleach is now offline.

That Bitch!
Don't do that.....

Ew drink bleach is now online.

Ew drink bleach
Okay you filthy creature. Wtf do you want.😷

That Bitch!
Damn okay😐
Anyways can you pick me up!!

Ew drink bleach
You dumbass did you forget I only have my permit?

That Bitch!
Okay and I'll be in the car tf??Ik you drive by yourself bitch
don't be slick

Ew drink bleach

That Bitch!
That's what I damn thought. Respect your upperclassmen

Ew drink bleach
Bitch no👨🏻‍🦯

That Bitch!
Bitch yes

Ew drink bleach
You want me to pick you up or NAH

That Bitch!
My bad My bad. yes por favor

Ew drink bleach
Yeah whatever. Send me the address
I will spray you down before you STEP foot in my car.

That Bitch!
Jesus okay!!
It's xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx

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