31- 𝒅𝒊𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕.

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"in the 8 years of being a part of the nekoma, you guys are the worst third years i've ever dealt with. problematic from when y'all were 1st years. i'm so happy we're getting rid of you guys in 4 weeks. you're dismissed." your vice principal announced in her pink microphone.

she invited for all of the third-year classes to come to the auditorium so she could have a little 'talk'.

you were in the middle of kuroo and kai while yaku was in front of you. your hands were on yaku's bag tugging him back and forth to get some sort of reaction out of him

"just because i'm your friend, sadly that doesn't mean you can do such things bitch." yaku spat at you, you scrunch your face and rolling your eyes.

"hey y/n" kai looked at you and then put his hands together. "I didn't do the homework." kai had a neutral facial expression then turned to tetsurou. "Yes i did the homework, but it's due next week sooo."

"you should have asked kuroo first instead of me, i don't even want to be in that class."

"you don't wanna be in any classes." yaku cackled, you shoved him hard that almost made him tumble over. He looked at you with such a pissed facial expression

"let's not bitch."

kuroo placed his hand on your shoulder "now now behave yourself." you swatted his hand off of your shoulder

"bitch fuck you, cause what do you think this is?"

"personally-" kai raised his finger. "i wouldn't let her talk to me like that but thats just me to be honest."

"kai stop instigating."

"i wanted to see something, my bad." kai shrugged

"anyways, do we leave, or do we go to the library."

"library." kuroo took your bag and carried it for you. you all walked to the library and they made sure you and yaku walked in front because you two tend to disappear quite often.

finally made it to the library on the third-year block. you found tables in the back section where no one sits at. kai and kuroo wiped down the table for dust and other stuff.

"psssst yaku." you whispered, "yes?"

"i'm hungry." you admitted, yaku stuck his middle finger in your face. "fuck that gotta do with me." he scoffed then went to sit down. "well damn?" you said.

you sat next to kuroo while yaku sat next to kai. everyone pulled out their laptops except for you.

"y/n where is your laptop." kai asked while typing something, loud and aggressively.

"on life support"

"old susie is about to die for real this time." yaku snickered. and you mouthed 'KILL YASELF'


"yeah, she's on life support. If I take her off of the charger she's gonna die. she's been at 0% for 4 months now."

"y/n what did you even do." kai was interested now, he closed his laptop and looked at you intently.

"wellll...it's kind of a long story-"

"oh we have time." kuroo chimed in, you rolled your eyes in irritation then cleared your throat.

"i used to keep it charging overnight, not on purpose but i forgot then woke up at 4-5 am to take it out. charged for long periods of time. fell off of my bed, my bed is super high by the way...well it fell off of my bed twice. the second time i kicked it off because i thought it was a demon trying to eat me, had to put me first you know?"

you stopped to look at their facial expressions. kai wanted to laugh so badly, his cheeks were puffy and he was looking in the next direction. then he finally let out the laugh he's been holding since you started talking.

yaku knocked kai "you're gonna get us kicked out."

"oh my god are you telling me i'm a loud black person?" yaku mouthed was opened he couldn't believe what kai said.

"i didn't even say that." yaku defended himself.

"yeah i'll let it slide today, don't let it happen again."

"ermmmm can i continue?" you asked.

"oh yeah go on y/n." kai said, focusing his attention back on you. kuroo right hand was on your thigh giving a firm grasp.

"oooh you are nasty." kai and yaku clutched their bags "nasty children."

"shut the hell up."

"as i was saying! missing a few keys on my keyboard but it's alright. uh there's a dent on the corner in the frame thingy? like where the camera is..was coming out but i can pop that back in." you smiled.

"y/n...what the fuck is going on with you."

"i don't know myself." you scratched your neck. "when i know the answer, i'll let you know okay kai."

"alright then guys, what are our plans after we graduate?"

you never really thought of it, you didn't know if you wanted to explore the world until school started. stay in japan with your friends and party all night or work so you wouldn't have to ask your parents for money in school.

"i don't know, y/n probably don't know either." kuroo brought your chair closer to his. "whatever happens? happens i guess. i don't know about y/n but i certainly don't know."

"yeah what he said."

"i was thinking we should go on a trip or go to the bar after graduation."

you stroked your chin, "good idea, mori are you down for that?"

"of course."

"well this is going to be interesting."

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