15↝𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍

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it's been 4 hours since you've arrived at Kuroo's house and well it was not going too well.

"HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO DO THIS????" Kuroo scratched his head in frustration while re-adjusting his glasses.

"Mans please stop shouting at me. You know I can't handle that."

"Sorry sorry, okay let's go over this last thing then we're done okay?"

"Okay Kuroo"

"Ayo? Come here" Kuroo asked. you looked at him with confusion at first but he was pointing to space in front of him so he could have seen exactly what you were doing. you walked over to the spot where he was pointing too and sat down. "Okay now what rooster?"

"Just do the questions. It's only counting atoms" He sighed at you. "You can literally do the questions, you just don't want to"

you looked at the 2 remaining questions and closed your eyes thinking it will go away but when you opened your eyes it was filled with disappointment. "Y/N YOU DID NOT" Kuroo balled his hand into a fist and  hit you on the top of your head. "That shit hurts you know" you rubbed your head.

"It's T-W-O questions. Do them so we can eat." you nodded your head continued working on those questions.

you knew how to do the questions but you seriously didn't want to. The question said 'Determine the number of oxygen atoms in the chemical formula below  V2O5 '. Which was Vanadium(V) oxide. You sort of payed attention to when Kuroo used to try and assist you with your work last year.  you thought to yourself that this shit is mad easy like c'mon it's five. you wrote five under the question and went to the final question.

'Determine the number of oxygen atoms in the chemical formula below Ba3(PO4)2 '. Barium phosphate. you tapped the pen on the desk and you could have felt Kuroo staring really hard at your paper, when you turned around he turned around as well and that made you give a soft chuckle. you looked back at your paper and remembered how to do it, You had to multiply the 4 and 2 which gave you eight. you wrote down the eight and the paper.

"Now was that so hard?" you scoffed, he grabbed the paper the paper from you and looked at every question you answered.

"Are they correct?" kuroo placed his hand on your hand and pat it and whispered in your ear "good girl". kuroo smiled at you then got up from where he was sitting. "Man for fucks sake give me a kiss or hug or something. I'm touched deprived." you got up and dusted your shorts

kuroo stopped walking and opened his arms. "Come here then". you ran to kuroo making him fall back and he dragged you down along with him. "Was that necessary?" you were on top of kuroo with your head on his chest and his arms around your waist. you didn't answer you just stayed quiet.

kuroo looked at you and removed one of hands and softly caressed your face. "Hey hey are you okay y/n? You're quiet...that's unusual."

"Finals are coming kuroo, do you think I'm prepared?" you didn't look at kuroo's face.

"Y/n you'll do great."

"After that is graduation then college. BITCH WE'RE GRADUATING JUST TO DO THIS SHIT AGAIN. HELL THE REMIX???" Kuroo started to laugh hysterically in front of you. He started to cough that made him sit up with you on his lap. "Darling you trust me right?" you stayed silent and look the next direction. Kuroo grabbed your face so that you could have looked at him directly in the eye.

"C'mon darling you trust me right? Look at me when you're talking to me." you scoffed. "Yes Tetsurou......, I trust you okay?"

"Oh we're on first name basis y/n l/n." you removed Kuroo's hand from your face. "BOY YOU'VE BEEN CALLING ME BY FIRST NAME SINCE WE MET" Kuroo placed his hand on his chin. "Huh maybe you're right."

"But seriously you're going to be fine y/n! I'm your tutor!!! Me the smartest person in Nekoma." you rolled your eyes. "Cocky aren't we?"


"So do you like sitting on my lap y/n?"

"If I didn't like sitting on your lap I would have gotten up already. AYE WHAT WE IS?!??!?!"

"FOR LIFERS MFCJKJEFDKJSE" while you were sitting on Kuroo's lap you felt something harden under you.

"ayo? Are you hard right now??"

Author's Note:

Just saying I'm scared to read the comments sometimes ffs. Still leave comments y'all kinda funny. There should be another chapter out by Wednesday. KEY WORD should be


𝐓𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐑  𝒕.𝒌𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒐Where stories live. Discover now