5↝𝒔𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒚 𝒎𝒂?

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Gc members: Y/N, kuroo, yaku, lev, kenma.


{8:17 am}

Ankle Biter
Did y/n come to school yet? 🦦

Roblox King shit
Does y/n ever come to school on time?

Ankle Biter
Right Right 🥱

Abnormal Titan
She's probably still in bed dreaming about Nuggets

Nerdy Captain
She's not here yet wtf??? She's supposed to be at Practice 🤨⁉️

Ankle Biter
This dumbass is going to be late

That Bitch!

Nerdy Captain
You're not serious 😐🤨

Roblox King Shit
Was the nuggets good?

That Bitch!

Abnormal Titan
Fat ass😁

That Bitch!
Daddy Spider lookin ass

Abnormal Titan
Can't reach the top shelf ass

That Bitch!
I'm sorry I swear thought a bitch that can be a walking Slenderman had sumn to say!

Ankle Biter

Nerdy Captain
Y/n are you almost at school?

That Bitch!
Bold of you to assume I was going

Nerdy Captain
Bold of you to assume I won't drag your ass here

That Bitch!
Damn okay

Roblox King shit
Tie her with a rope and drag her across the street😋😋

Abnormal Titan

Ankle Biter
And yall wonder why Y/n doesn't come to practice 😭😭😭😭

Roblox King Shit
How is she a manager again?

Nerdy Captain
Because no other club wanted her rude ass.🙀

That Bitch
everybody wants me in their club

Ankle Biter
No wdym??? You tried to join the choir club but you told the instructor she sounded bad n she should get her vocal cords check because "that aint gon work"

Roblox King Shit
She joined the track team and went for one day n never came back

That Bitch!
Them mfs was tryna kill me..
Who was going to run 4 laps for warm up????
Not I

Abnormal Titan
She tried to burned the kitchen for the cooking club 🤨

Nerdy Captain
Y/n tried to be in the library club and sis kept playing deepthroat baby-

That Bitch!
Don't do that

Abnormal Titan
Did you guys hear about the party?😼

Ankle Biter
The one this saturday?

Roblox King Shit
Ew I'm not going

That Bitch!
Yeah same...I got better thing to do

Nerdy Captain
Like what?

That Bitch!
Play animal crossing with Kenma, sleep, eat, sleep and go on tiktok, bully 8 yr olds

Roblox King Shit
Damn you got the whole day plan!😁😁

That Bitch!

Nerdy Captain
Y'all are going idrc

Ankle Biter
Especially Y/N

Abnormal Titan
Yeah it'll be fun

That Bitch
1 hour

Roblox King Shit
1 hour and we're leaving

Nerdy Captain

That Bitch

Ankle Biter

That Bitch
Like I said bold of you to assume that I was going.

Nerdy Captain
And I'd drag your ass here tf

That Bitch
Damn that sounds kinkyyy. so you freaky ma or sumn?

Roblox King Shit
Hey Siri? How to bleach my eyes correctly.

Ankle Biter
hey? touch the grass😒

That Bitch
I hate it here. omw to school tho

Ankle Biter
Good. now have a nice day

Everybody is offline

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