27↝ 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖

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"please open your books and turn to page 75."

you really hated school, but you're going to be graduating soon. you just have to endure it for a couple of more months.

today you actually have to go to the volleyball practice since the coach pulled you out of class to tell you that you have to come.

you sighed and flipped through the book until you felt someone kick your chair behind you.

"pst!" you heard them said, you ignored them at first but they continued to do it.

"psssssst!!!" you whipped your head around and you had such an irritated expression plastered on your face.


"damn chill out..." it was the new kid in your class Sai.

"what do you want..."

"What are we doing?" you rubbed your temple and took a deep breath before answering.

"reading, page 75."

"thank you, now was that so hard?"

"yes now please leave me alone."

"Mr. Isogai and Ms. L/N, would you like to tell the class what you're talking about?"

"no, we don't wanna tell the class." Sai responded.

"Oh who is we??? Ma'am? He asked what page we're on." In your head you were thinking why didn't he just say what he actually was asking you.

"I don't care, stay back after school."

"Oh my gosh? For what, we didn't do anything wrong. Hell, I didn't do anything wrong." you tried to explain to your teacher but she obviously wasn't listening to you.

"Wait what? Why are we staying back? sai exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, are you giving me attitude Ms. L/n?"

"I'm not-"

"YOU KNOW WHAT.. GET OUT OF MY CLASS." she pointed at the door.

your mouth was wide open at this point, like what the fuck.

"Yeah okay," You grabbed your stuff and put it in your bag. Mumbling some curse words under your breath.

"Oh what are you saying Ms. L/N?"

"Oh the things I woul-"

"Nothing, she isn't saying anything." sai smiled

"oh excuse me?"

sai walked close to you and whispered in your ear just leave the class, you're making it worse...

You gave him a stank ass look when he said that to you

I know this mother fucka aint just-

you got your bag then walked out of the class.

"I'm sorry-"

"it's fine, it's fine." you walked outside to sit at a table and Sai followed you. you wiped down the seats and sat down.

"Again I'm really sorry y/n."

"it's ok sai." you took out your phone and texted tetsurou

baby, im going to be late.

nerdy captain

why? what's wrong
did something happen??
do you feel bad???
do you want me to leave class right now?

𝐓𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐑  𝒕.𝒌𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒐Where stories live. Discover now