26↝𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔? 3𝒂𝒎 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒔 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒙??

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a/n: wow another chapter!

you were on your phone while kuroo was fast asleep beside you. It was 3:04 am and you were playing plants vs zombies and listening to music

you got up to pee but you couldn't go to sleep after that, it was kind of your fault you couldn't sleep because you went to the kitchen and made yourself a sandwich which knocked the sleep right out of your eye.

"y/n?" tetsurou mumbled, rubbing his eyes. he sat up and then yawned, covering his mouth.

"Good morning."

"What time is it?"

"3:07am "

there was visible confusion on his face, like why the fuck are you up.

" I needed to pee tetsurou, also I got hungry so I made myself a sandwich."

"Where's mine??"

"You were sleeping"

"Oh wow......."

"Go back to sleep."

He stretched his arms and legs. "Nah, we are gonna talk."



"What is this? 3am talks after sex???"

"I mean if you want it to be then sure!!"

you disconnected your earphones and let your music play. Then place your phone on the nightstand.


"Okay, y/n! First impressions."


"Oh damn....you thought I was a nerd..."

"Yeah, I thought you were a nerd. people still knew you but I just assumed you were a nerd. But I heard from people that you were nice and smart."

"Mmh go on."

"You didn't get any bitches, I heard that too."


"Wait I'm not done, when we first met I needed your help with the chemistry work. And you were nervous, like you even started to stutter and I found it adorable."

"Oh you thought I was adorable and not hot?"

"At the time I found you adorable and cute."

"I see, I see...glasses always work. Anyways! My first impressions of you."

"Mean, I thought you were mean and rude because you had a resting bitch face. And you still do have a resting bitch face. You looked at everyone with disgust but I think that was just your normal face. I wanted to approach you but I was afraid you were gonna say some mean shit to me. I was shocked in 1st year when you asked me for help in chem because you were so nice about it. Then I noticed how pretty you were up close, I mean you were always pretty but still...I mean like you know what I mean."

"it's okay, everyone thinks I'm mean because of my facial expressions."

"Then we became friends, the end."

"Wow, you thought I was pretty?"


"Bitch I was ugly but go off."

"Stop the cap."

"I mean I know, but still I didn't think I was all that."

"You were pretty when I first met you and now you're stunning now.."

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