18↝𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒊

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-𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯-

We watched as y/n slowly walked back to my room and closed the door. Mai turned to me and chuckled then proceeded to jump into their bed.

"What's so funny mai?"

"I love getting in between you and y/n" I threw a piece of paper that was on the floor at them.

"I frankly don't" I walked over and sat on the bed.

"so are you guys in a relationship yet? you've liked her since middle school dude. dicked her down twice and met her mom. what are you waiting for my guy!!!!

"I don't know if I'm being completely honest with you. I don't know how to ask her. And we're going on a date but I don't know when PLUS I told her that I'd ask her to be my girlfriend." Mai placed their hand on the nightstand next to the bed tapping on it.

"I'm suppose to be her tutor but I'm fucking her until she goes dumb. How does that work?!?!??!?!"

"You rubbing that in?"

Gc mai scoffed.

"well, my little cousin just ask her, she's not going to say no. Isn't it obvious that she's into you??? I'm pretty sure she lied to her mom to come here."

"Yeah she did. She said she was staying the night by yaku to study."

"Go for it tetsurou. This is the only one I liked. Don't let her get away because you'll regret it dude, take it from me but I don't care. Holon, don't take it from me...I'm a bad example."

"Yes you are mai."

"Doesn't she like to play games?" I nodded. "Take her to a gaming cafe or just play games with her and out of the blue ask her. Please try to surprise her."

"You know what mai?" they looked in my direction. "You're actually useful for once."

"WOWWWWW OUT MY ROOM YOU PIECE OF SHIT." I watched as they picked up a pillow and aimed it for my head.

"Thanks or whatever." I picked the pillow off of the floor and threw it back on the bed. I began walking to the door.

"Yeah man no problem. Have I ever let you down tetsurou?" I turned around. "Many times Mai Tamaki Kuroo." I heard them scoffed once again.

"Damn okay. Lock my door on the way out. And if you're going to fuck darling? Be quiet with it please, I get jealous bitch."

"I'm not and wow I know for next time." I walked out of the room and closed the door and walked to the room.

When I opened the door, I found y/n knocked out cold with an empty burger wrappers and a half eaten burger on the side of her, sprawled out on my bed only wearing my hoodie and shorts.

I wrapped the burger up and placed it back in the bag and threw the empty wrappers in the trash bin. I was going to head to the kitchen but I felt someone tugging on my shirt.

"tetsurou?" she slightly opened her eyes. "Where are you going? I had a question but I forgot...I'm extremely forgetful."

I patted her head "kitchen. I'll be back" she rolled over. "Yeah okay if you're going somewhere take me with you."

"Not going anywhere but okay." She went silent. She went back to sleep. She really does look peaceful when she's sleeping. I kissed her forehead.

authors note:

yessir i finally did a kuroo pov. I don't know if i'm uploading anymore today. I don't know. Still have exams <3.

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