24↝𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒘𝒆'𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒆. 𝑺𝒆𝒙?

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Authors note:
Bro those questions I have? I don't know if it's correct. Do not come for me please😭😭😭, I literally got them from a website. K bye 🙄


"and that's what happened." you said nonchalantly to morisuke who was sitting beside you. It was a free period since your teacher wasn't here. There was a substitute. It was one of the only classes you and kuroo were not in together.

"oh wow....that's? wait, so yall didnt have car sex?" he asked you slowly, taking a bite out of his hot pocket. "this shit hot as hell, gah dayum." he said, panting, sticking out his tongue trying to cool it down.

"you should have blown on it first, you silly bitch." he put the hot pocket to your mouth, initiating for you to blow on it. You blew on it and he took it back and took a bite out of it. "Okay, continue!" he told you.

"no, we didn't,mom was already calling me to get my ass home if it wasn't for her i would have and you know that." you took a bite out of the hot pocket. "you right."

"Get out. I don't get paid enough for this shit."

"you get paid?" someone announced from all the way in the back of the class. "you think you're so funny huh? Ooh funny...funny. Get the fuck out."

"AYE AYE CAPTAIN!." some of your classmates shouted while others started to laugh when they saw their teacher's facial expressions. that man was beyond tired of you guys. You got your stuff together and walked out of the classroom with yaku.

"Anyways, what are we doing tonight?" you nudged yaku's shoulder making him roll his eyes.

"bitch! I'm helping that tall bitch named Lev."

"may the Lord bless you."

"I know right, he's okay.." he covered his mouth. "Not as bad as you."

"Now that was UNCALLED FOR."

"Yeah yeah yeah, are you going home with Kuroo?" he pulled out his phone, to check the time and slipped it back into his pocket. "most likely."

"use protection....do we need to go to the pharmacy before I ALLOW you to go to that young man's humble home?!?"

"no, I'm on the pill just like the last time."

"children are icky!!! only some of them are okay. Like Thomas from When the Yakuza Falls In love!!"

you looked across the hall to see Kuroo standing by the door waving his hands. "Okay bestie! I'm going to see you later okay."

"Mmh love you." morisuke kissed you on your cheeks. you were. "Yeah love you too."

you waved yaku bye as you walked over to where Kuroo was standing. he opened the door for you and took your bag. "You're acting nice? Not being a bitch today huh Tetsu?" you raised your brow then looked at him up and down.

"can't I be nice?"


"I- well okay then! I'm just being nice because of what we're doing today!!!". He gave you a big smile while you mouthed 'fuck off.' he scoffed and got out his car keys and unlocked it. you opened the passenger door and got in, putting on your seatbelt.

Kuroo got in the car and placed the school bags in the backseat. he turned on the car and reversed out of the parking space he was in. he then placed one hand on the steering wheel and the next one on your thigh, squeezing it slightly.

"Okay y/n, can you think of what we're doing today. Please." he let go of your thigh and grabbed your face, looking at you then looking right back at the road. you saw that he let go then placed his hand right back on your thigh.

"Sex?" you tilted your head.
he tapped on the wheel, "that's not what I had in mind but okay...we're going to study first though."

"I'm being serious, you know."

"Yeah? You're going to fall asleep after we're done studying."

"I'm being deadas, tetsurou."

"Mmh yeah yeah yeah."

"Yeah, keep thinking I'm playing."

"Alright, is there food at your house?"

"Yeah there's always food there."

"Alright, say less."

                                Time skip



Kuroo placed his hand on his temple and let out a deep sigh. you could tell that he was frustrated with you.

"okay baby, let's go over it again." he got a blank piece of paper and began to write questions on it. all you could have thought was 'damn I wonder how good he would look beneath me.'

"okay y/n, let's do some true and false questions with multiple questions on functions. we'll move on a little later." he placed the paper In front of you and sat behind you, putting his hands around your waist, while planting small kisses on your neck.

"Yeah and you expect me to focus okay."

"you'll figure it out." you rolled your eyes at his response, grabbing your pen and looking at the first question.

True or False. The graph of f(x) and that of f(x + 2) are the same

his hands were up your shirt now, playing with the bra cup and the straps tracing out the outline.

'Okay so that shit gots to be false because The graph of f(x + 2) is that of f(x) shifted 2 units to the left.' you said to yourself while writing it down on the paper so you wouldn't forget while you were writing.

True or False. The equation y = | x | , with y >= 0, represents y as a function of x.

'Yeah? Let's go with God? It's true.' you wrote down on the paper.

one of kuroo hands played with the hem of your skirt while the next one was drawing circles on your inner thighs. "see you're doing an amazing job, atta girl Answer one more question." you nodded your head.

the last question

If functions f and g have domains Df and Dg respectively, then the domain of f / g is given by
(A) the union of Df and Dg
(B) the intersection of Df and Dg
(C) the intersection of Df and Dg without the zeros of function g
(D) None of the above?

'It's c. Because Division by zero is not allowed in mathematics.' you circled c. "and I'm done."

tetsurou grabbed your face and whispered in your ear. "what a good girl."

you turned around wrapping your hands around his neck, pushing him down to the ground.  you were leaving small kisses on his jawline. you removed one of your hands from his neck and started to take off your tie from the middle in a circular motion.

"Since, we're done. Sex?" you asked.

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Kuroo's POV

"oh shit, she wasn't joking."

𝐓𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐑  𝒕.𝒌𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒐Where stories live. Discover now