17↝𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘?

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you tried to get out of bed but there was a hand wrapped around your waist and a leg over your thigh. holding you extremely close to them.

"for the love of-" you started to shake your body back and forth but kuroo tightened the grip around your waist and whispered in your ear. "stop moving so much."

"kuroo? I need to use the restroom...I'm not about to piss on your bed sheets that I HAD to change." you heard kuroo groaned as he let you go. "y/n do you want me to order food?" you gave him a thumbs up. You rummaged through his drawer to find a hoodie you could have worn and walked out.

you headed to the bathroom until you heard someone talking to you? "hi? Who are you?" the voice said sweetly. you were contemplating if you should have turned around or not but you responded with "I am me? So who are you?

the person laughed and then you were like this laugh sounds way too familiar. you turned around to see a tall female with a black wolf cut with hazel eyes and cat-like pupils. "AYO? MAI IS THAT YOU????" you ran to hug them but then the pain hit you and you slowed down. "What was that pause y/n?" they raised a brow in confusion.

"ion know?"

mai was tetsurou's older cousin that graduated from nekoma last year but you knew them from a long time ago so you guys have history.

"C'mon let's go to my room but you look like you have to pee so go on".

After you had your wonderful bathroom break again you made your way to mai's room to find them laying against their headboard with only boy shorts, a bra and a chain on.

"Tryna seduce me?" you laughed. they tapped the bed to signal you to sit.

"What brings you to my Uncle's house y/n?"

"tetsurou was helping me study that's all-" they raised their brow again

"the truth?" they scoffed

"He really did help me study." you started to whisper. "then I had an unplanned dick appointment."

"say it louder hun! I can't hear you."

"Ayo? Then I had an unplanned dick appointment with your cousin."

"Okay purr or whatever. Was it good?" they laughed at you. "Yesssir"

"I don't know what you see in tetsurou baby...totally leave him for me?"

you were about to answer until you felt a hand pulled you off of the bed and into them. tetsurou

"mai? she doesn't want you. leave her alone. Please and thank you." He began pulling you out of the room but you were stopped by another hand pulling you back in. "bitch? I had her first though? SHE doesn't want to be with you my guy." you felt as if you were in a game of tug of war.


"NO YOU LEAVE HER ALONE TETSUROU! GO MACK TO MITSUKI OR WHATEVER THAT SLUT NAME WAS." you thought to yourself damn you could really go for a burger and some fries about now. you weren't paying attention because you went through this every time you saw each other.



You sighed and wiggled out of their grip. "I just want burgers and fries. Yall could deal with this some other time...." you walked out of the room heading back to kuroo's room.

" I don't like to be in your family squabbles. I thought you guys knew this, please have burgers and fries ready for me? Thank you!" you closed the door.

they both stood there trying to figure out what just happened. "What?" they said at the same time.

authors note:

damn another chapter???

𝐓𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐑  𝒕.𝒌𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒐Where stories live. Discover now