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this is the day
the day you've all been waiting for.....graduation day

your mom was putting powder on your face and you kept moving which made her upset with you.

"little girl stay still."

"mom....i have to go! Oh, daddy say something to her."

your dad shook his head while holding your balloons and flowers.

"i'd rather not" he mouthed to you, you only see your parent together when it's your birthday. academic ceremonies and school events. your parents separated when you were eleven and you ended up choosing your mom over him.

he's not a bad father, because whenever you need the money he's the man to call

"ok, i have to go now."

"okay baby, we'll go be with the rest of the family."

your dad squinted his eyes then waved "Hey kuroo my boy, how you been."

you looked and saw kuroo with his mother. "Hi Mr. L/N, i'm good!"

"thats good to hear, taking care of my daughter right." kuroo placed his hand on your shoulder and grinned showing that pervy ass smile of his

"oh yes, sir."

"yeah because if you didn't i would have to beat your ass. and if my baby ever comes to me crying about some shit you did to her i will kill you. i know people" you could have sworn you saw a sweat drop run down his face while he gulped.

your father always did stuff to make kuroo want to pee his pants EVERY single time.

"hello, my second mother! and Mr. L/n" yaku hugged your mom.

"morisuke, you look so cute i could just squeeze your cheeks." you saw a smile creep on his face and when he saw you death staring at him he stopped. "where's kai and maikyo? group photo before you go in."

"mom!" kai ran up to your mom and gave her a big hug while jumping with her.

your mother was basically everyone's mom, even though she was truly a difficult person she was still there for all of your friends during their hardship

you all stood in front of the red and black backdrop that said Nekoma Graduating class. maiyko and you were in the front and the boys were in the back.

"now say finally grads!"


they had you sitting in homerooms, and you were sitting in between kuroo and yaku. his hand was resting on your thigh which made morisuke roll his eyes.

"can they call my name so i can go?" you asked, kuroo sighed. "no they can't y/n, after they call us up then that's that we're done so suck it up."

"Welcome to the stage Tetsurou Kuroo, this year's Valedictorian. Captain of the Volleyball team, Achieving all A's in his subjects and being a role model to his lower classmen. "

"Also please welcome Y/N L/N to the stage for achieving the highest marks in English, writing , history, and reading. Also taking home the grit and grace annual award."

you and kuroo walked up onto the stage while watching everyone clap and congratulate you both.

you saw mitsuki and the girls kuroo dated stared at you in awe. you stuck out your tongue and blew a raspberry.

"THATS MY BABY" your mom shouted.

you and kuroo looked at each other to see who was going to give the short speech. you sighed and came close to the microphone.

"Good morning to my fellow students, teachers, and alumni. If i'm being honest mane, i didn't expect to be on this stage or still in this school. But here i am standing in front of you all collecting awards while some of you guys discouraged me and said i wasn't getting anything. Yeah i'm looking at you hoe- people."

"i want to say thank you-well we want to say thank you, to the teachers who actually did their job and helped us with our education. You know who you are, and I know you're happy that your finally getting rid of the worst third years you've ever seen in your entire teaching career and I don't blame you."

"WOW Y/N." some kid said

"I didn't lie."

you and kuroo bowed in front of everyone and he finished your speech. "We did it guys, all the sweat and tears. Mental breakdowns feeling like we couldn't do anything, we overcome our obstacles and now we're finished. Writing a new chapter in our shitty-ass books, who knows what the future has in store for us? because at the end of the day ummmm."

kuroo nudged your shoulder. "ah..ahem" you cleared your throat."

"f it we ball?"

your classmates started clapping and your senior mistress shooed you and kuroo off of the stage.

you went back to your chairs and stood up.

"y/n there is no way you said all that on stage." maikyo snickered. "F it we ball"

"My lovely Third years, totally lying about the lovely you guys were truly monsters but...you are finally dismissed!"

everyone clapped and screamed. kuroo and kai hugged and you ended up being in between the both of them. you pushed them and rolled your eyes at them.

"cmere maikyo, give me a hug" she had her arms around your neck and your arms were around her waist. giving it a nice squeeze.

"ayo?" kuroo and kai said at the same time. "can you tell your girlfriend to stop being gay thank you."

"i love my bi-sexual girlfriend thank you very much" kuroo added. "i don't" yaku muttered. "i don't like her ass period, because why was she blowing raspberries?" yaku asked

you stopped hugging maikyo and turned to face yaku. "because the hoes were staring at me."

"you're not shit"

"so i've been told"

after bickering and arguing with yaku...you went outside with tetsurou and stood under the cherry blossom tree. you saw as the petals of the tree flew gracefully in the wind looking like a scene straight out of a romance com

"you know we actually met under this tree during the first year."

"yeah i remember, we were arguing about who was gonna sit under the tree that day because we didn't want to share." 

"you know i love you right y/n" your arms were around kuroo's neck, staring into his eyes. he still looked the same from the first year just matured better just a little bit.

"yes i know surou, i love you too."

"ah you finally said it out loud." he grinned then gave you small pecks on the lips.

"yeah yeah yeah, now what"

"We're going to the same college and i know you need the extra help. so i think i'll still tutor you"

you tried to remove your arms from his neck but he just put them back. "i wonder if kita has gotten better in bed"

yeah at that point kuroo dropped his arms and tried to walk away from you.

you giggled at him but he just looked at you with a straight facial expression. "i'm so fucking done being your tutor"

"whatever you say, my nerdy captain"

authors note:
thank you, this is the end of tutor!
it's been over a year since I started writing this book that I had
ABSOLUTELY! no plans for but it has come a long way and I honestly
appreciate the comments, the criticism etc...

i will focus on my other books (lies)
but thank you again :)

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