Character Information

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Name: Scar Valentine Haze

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Name: Scar Valentine Haze

Nicknames: Haze, Hazel, Hazelnut, Val

School: Karasuno

Appearance: Scar has black hair that reaches to his mid-back, has sapphire blue eyes, tends to wear clothing with pastel colors in them when he's at school he wears the female uniform because he gets uncomfortable in the male uniform, because of this he tends to be taken for a female which isn't his intention.


Mother- Luna Haze

Father- Alex Haze

Little Sister- Sakura Haze

Physical Traits:

Height- 142.2 cm (4'8")

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Skintone: Peach like



any sport in the world


stuffed animals





unfair gameplay



He isn't really the social type. Scar will only talk when it's necessary but if not he won't talk. Once you get to know him you'll see that he's very bubbly around the people he cares for most. Scar tries to have a small friend group being the fact he has abandonment issues also why he tries not to get too close to people giving him a cold personality to others.

 Scar tries to have a small friend group being the fact he has abandonment issues also why he tries not to get too close to people giving him a cold personality to others

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Empress of the Courts Haikyuu x Male OC x Knb ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now