*~ Training Camp - 0.6 ~*

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After practice had ended Scar, Kiyoko, and Takeda went ahead to start cooking food for everyone. Meanwhile, Hinata was gawking at being at his first training camp, " What's so fun about spending a weak with a bunch of smelly guys, " Tsukishima asked, " You little worm, any air in a 25-mile radius of Kiyoko and Scar is as clean as ever, " Suga looked at Tanaka and Nishinoya, " Oh, Kiyoko is staying at her house since she doesn't live far, " Suga then walked off leaving a dead Tanaka and Nishinoya, before the two instantly sat up, " What about Scar-San, is he gonna still be here, " Tsukishima looked at the two, " At least he isn't an imbecile, and smells nice every day, " this time it was Kageyama to crush them, " Oh, Scar is gonna have his room, because he's the new assistant coach and all, so he gets more space for himself also for him to work on things, " now, Tanaka and Nishinoya are dead.

The boys open the door to the cafeteria to be greeted with a Scar in a black sweater dress and black and white cat stockings and nice black plain chocker and flats holding plates while next to Kiyoko in an apron holding plates as well. Tanka and Nishinoya were brought back to life before taking a moment to realize what Scar was wearing and then having a nose bleed before he walked off with Kiyoko leaving the others to deal with them. Everyone began eating while Scar sat there, notebook on the table with a pencil in his hand with headphones on thinking of strategies for future matches. " Hey, Scar-San what are you doing, " Hinata asked while looking at him with food in his mouth. Scar looked disgusted slightly before regaining his composure, " I'm thinking ahead of the game and trying to figure out strategies, and I've also managed to get some information about a lot of other teams, other than Nekoma, from last years CDs I found.

So, the only ones I won't have information on are gonna be the first years for this year. Now when we play it won't look like they would get the jump on us, but one thing that won't happen is me playing unless necessary because with enough training you'll be unstoppable. You'll become as powerful as my old teammates with my help and guidance in no time." Scar said before looking at Hinata, with a slight glare and hint of amusement and danger, startling him, " I can even make you as strong as the Little Giant if I wanted to. " Everyone got quiet before Scar turned to Asahi with the same look he gave Hinata, also scaring him, " I can help overcome that fear of the 'Iron Wall', and before you ask I saw that match on a cd, and I'm pretty sure that's what lead to the little fight with you and Nishinoya and, again, before you ask I have Kageyama to tell me the details I miss, by the way, thank you Kageyama-Kun, and then Kageyama.

I know that you know this already but I'm just gonna say this part out loud for another reference, I can help you beat your shitty senpai or as I like to call him, Shittykawa. " Scar finishes before collecting his things and heading to his room area leaving everyone. " You know he is quite smart that's for sure," Tsukishima said before continuing, " But what makes it more interesting was the fact that he said if he wanted to he can, " Tsukishima stated making everyone scared on if Scar will help them out. " Alright you brats calm down, you should already know by now that he's willing to help. Hell, he even stated that y'all will start with new training regiments, " Ukai stated but no one was convinced except Tsukishima, Kageyama, Sugawara, Daichi, and Kiyoko. " I guess I'll tell you guys this cause this gloomy atmosphere is killing me, " Kageyama stated, " Scar told me there's potential in our team and he's willing to bring that out as long as we don't let it get overheads because that's the exact reason why he can't stand his old team.

Yes, they did use him for victory, because in actuality he was the actual coach of the team and it wasn't stated in Basketball Monthly has the real coach of the Generation of Miracles and player, because he preferred to be called the assistant coach he's not big on having attention, that's why he tells anyone who knows the truth to say he's the assistant coach instead. Scar also stated after all the practice matches we've done, everyone has been proving themselves to him that we're worthy and before you ask I sent him a video of the match with us against the Neighborhood Association, which is how, if you looked inside his book when he came back, he had information on Asahi-Senpai, Nishinoya-Senpai, and Suga-Senpai, when they're only seen playing at that match." Ukai smirks, " So, he's also told you, now let me ask, who else did he tell?"

Everyone was quiet before Tsukishima, Sugawara, Daichi, and Kiyoko raised their hands. " I see, you guys must be the ones he trusts most other than Kageyama," Tsukishima turned and smirked at everyone else. Ukai then told everyone to start heading to bed but Scar was still up and working in the middle of the night still writing down notes of the matches. When Scar was in the middle of a sentence he gets a call from none other than Daiki Aomine, his ex. He stood up and walked outside answering the call. "What do you want Aomine? You should know you're one of the people I don't want to talk to."'AW, Don't be like that, I know you still love me.' "Who said that I still even love you at all?" 'Still as feisty as ever, I see' "Shut the fuck up and tell me what you want." 'Two things, are you gonna help me win again and what will it take to get you back?' Scar was shocked, he always thought he would never hear those words come from him, but he kept his cool and stayed quiet, 'I see I got you speechless like always.'

Daiki chuckled at that." Um... I guess I'll help you again but I-I don't know when I'm coming back down there." Daiki chuckled lightly once more. 'You know you can't fool me I heard from a little bird that you'll be down in Tokyo this weekend after your little training camp just to have a match with Nekoma, that cat school right?' Scar, cursed lightly before just muttering a small yes. 'Great that just means you can come over and hang out with me to let me prove myself.' Scar didn't like the way he said hangout, it made him question the statement before agreeing and them ending the call and Scar walking back to his room to continue working on his notes for the team.

The next morning Scar had everyone running a hill but noticed that Hinata was going farther than he's supposed to, " Hey, coach Ukai, take over for me I need to fetch Hinata, " Scar says before running off to catch up to Hinata. When he found him, he noticed he was talking to someone, " Hinata, who are you talking to, " Scar questioned while walking up to the two. " Oh, his name is Kenma Kozume, Kenma this is my 2nd vice-captain/ assistant coach, " Kenma looked at Hinata then Scar but looked away when he felt himself blushing from just looking at the black-haired male's beauty, " I know who he is, " Kenma muttered before forcing himself to look back at Hinata and not Scar, " Well it's nice to meet you Kenma-San, I can't wait for this practice match, " Scar said only loud enough for Kenma to hear, making him worry because he knows he somehow got information.

"Kenma," someone shouts making everyone direct their attention towards the voice, " Let's go," was all the other said before walking away with Kenma following. Scar turned towards Hinata and smacked him on his head before grabbing his ear and dragging him back to the others, who were glad to see Scar walking towards them with Hinata in his grasp. The rest of the days of the training camp went the same. It was the end of the week and after a long bus drive to Nekoma high, they finally made it to the school.

"Let's do this!"

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