*~ Nekoma and Feelings - 0.7 ~*

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It was the end of the week and after a long bus drive to Nekoma high, they finally made it to the school.

"Let's do this!"

Everyone was off the bus talking with Nekoma while Scar stayed on a little longer to text Daiki that he was at Nekoma and he will tell him when to pick him up. When he finished he walked off the bus to see everyone staring at him, he was gonna wave towards everybody but got startled when he saw all the Nekoma volleyball members line up and say " It's a pleasure to meet you Scar-San," they all said at the same time. He nodded and started walking to the gym and notice Tanak, Nishinoya, and Hinata surrounding him and started barking at the other kids, once they heard students from Nekoma start complimenting him and daring each other to ask him out. " Stop it you three, this is normal for me," Scar says before walking off to the gym. Once entering the spots coach Nekomata, " Hello, coach Nekomata," the said male looks up to see Scar walking towards him and smiles, " Scar my boy, what a pleasure it is to see you again, how's Sakura?"

Nekomata asked while giving Scar a side hug, on the bench, " She's been doing good, my parents have already gone overseas again, so that's something at least. " All of Karasuno, even Ukai, looked surprised, " You know him already," Hinata questioned and Scar nodded, " Did you forget already, Scar-San is a coach as well, which means he would meet other coaches despite the type of sport they teach," Kageyama stated before smacking Hinata, Scar giggled at the interaction before heading to his side with Ukai, Kiyoko, and Takeda. " So haze, " Ukai started before looking at the black-haired male who is turned towards him, " Did you give them the notes," Scar smirked, " Of course I did, what type of coach would I be if I didn't and not bother to give them a warning on specific players?" Ukai, Takeda, and Kiyoko then smirked as well, " You truly do know your stuff, don't you haze," Kiyoko asked

Scar nodded, " I wouldn't have gotten my position or title if I wasn't good at what I do, " he said then looked towards the match. ' The only person we need to worry about right now is Kenma the brains of the team. He takes his time to analyze the situation and turn the tables to the way he sees fit, don't go thinking you've got the drop on us because I've specifically told them not to use that freaky quick unless necessary,' Scar thought to himself while staring at the fake blonde. Kenma starts to get chills and try to find the source only to see Scar looking at him or rather analyzing him, Kenma was distracted to the point when he was supposed to set it landed on his head while he was staring back at Scar, who just smirked slightly from that, making Kenma turn red and look away, " Kenma? Are you ok, are embarrassed because the goddess himself is watching you," Kuroo asked the other before getting kicked in his back by none other than Yaku, who looked extremely pissed off at him?

Empress of the Courts Haikyuu x Male OC x Knb ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now