*~Birthday Special: Mayuzumi Chihiro ~*

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~~~~ With birthday specials or any time of special events, I will be making these more in the future after everyone graduates

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With birthday specials or any time of special events, I will be making these more in the future after everyone graduates. Birthday side stories are just my oc and the said character if Scar chooses them.


Scar's Pov
I was in my house with my lovely husband, Mayuzumi Chihiro, who was downstairs doing something while I was sitting on the bed in our shared room. I was scrolling through my phone until my reminder popped up, 'Mayuzumi's Birthday Today', which had caught me off guard for a quick moment before I reread the reminder. 'Mayuzumi, my love, today is your special day.' I say to myself. I walk downstairs, to the living room to see him reading a book, as usual. "Hello, Love," I said while hugging his neck lightly from behind the couch he was on. "Hello my dear, how are you" he spoke softly as always, "Happy Birthday, what do you want to do today?" I ask him, he's quiet for a moment before he speaks.

" I would like to go to the book store today because I'm in need of some new ones and maybe the new cafe and then just relaxing for the rest of the day, if that's all right with you," he said while finally turning around to face me and he gave me a small peck on the lips. I pouted lightly, he raised his an eyebrow in confusion, " I want a proper kiss, please and thank you, " I said in a sassy tone, all he does his chuckles lightly and then gives me a proper kiss. "Well go get dressed, love," I say while walking up stairs to get ready.

I come down stairs in his old Rakuzn jersey, with some black short, black stockings, and white converse. Mayuzumi was staring for a good moment, "Why are you staring so hard, I'm yours anyways," I say while grabbing my keys off the hook next to the door. Before I could lift the keys off Mayuzumi placed his hand on mine, " No, let me drive," he stated and we were off.

We went to the book store first while he was looking for some books, I had a certain series on my mind. Scanning the books I found it '50 Shades Of Grey' I picked up the book and went to find my husband and saw him roaming through a random isle, " Hey love, did you find anything," he asked me. I smiled and nodded showing him my book. He looked at it, then turned to look back the others and it seemed to click in his head and he quickly turned his back to me, " You read that type of stuff?" He questioned while his cheeks started turning pink. I giggled and nodded again, " I tend to read these things based off recommendations and things like that," I say softly, he nods before picking out a book and we walk to the check out.

"Aww are you bringing your little sister here?" The lady up front asked Mayuzumi while eyeing him like some candy. I felt my eye twitch in annoyance, " Sorry ma'am but he's a boy and not my little brother either, he's my significant other or husband you shall say," she was shocked and quickly apologized and checked us out. I had crossed my arms and puffed out my cheeks, upset that she mistakenly called me a girl and thought I was kid as well. How rude of her, Mayuzumi saw this and chuckled, "It's not her fault you're so small," I felt him hit a nerve, "I'm now 5'2 thank you very much," he smirked and while we walked to the cafe across the street, " Yeah you grew five inches in the span of your three years of high school? Congratulations Love, but you're still short." That just pierced my heart and I felt deflated.

We entered the shop and there were screaming girls everywhere, talking about me, if you couldn't tell I'm still a coach he coaches every sport out there now and even coach the MSBY Black Jackals, the Schweiden Alders, Vorpal Swords, and, surprisingly, Nash Gold Jr., after his big defeat, we just ordered our drinks and sat outside drinking our drinks while reading till the sun had set and they had headed home. "Did you enjoy your time today," I ask while holding his hand while walking in our home. He nodded and smiled slightly which was good enough for me.

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