*~The Better Miracle- 1.0~*

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3rd POV

While everyone was watching in awe of Scar when he played, Riko had noticed his phone was ringing so she answered and was met by Kageyama, who was shocked to see someone's face that wasn't Scar. "Um, where's Scar-sama," Kageyama asked politely and Riko just turned the camera for Kageyama to see was playing and he stayed quiet so he can watch and Riko propped Scar's phone to see.

Timeskip brought to by the author-chan because she wants to write about more interesting events for this story

The match ended with Seirin's win and Scar was the only one who wasn't breathing hard like everyone else, he was lightly breathing but then Papa came up to Kagami just to insult him making Scar giggle a little and had his phone handed to him and saw Kageyama. "Hello Tobio-chan and others?" he said with as a  question the whole entire volleyball team was trying to fit in the screen, "They wanted to watch too, and plus I was calling to tell you our first match is about to start," Scar nodded his head, " Yeah we have another match coming up too, so I'll call you after." Scar replied and ended the call.

"Ok, now listen up Seirin. At first, I wasn't going to play against Midorima but I've changed my mind and I will be playing." Scar said and everyone took notice of how he was speaking a lot louder than what he would usually speak until they heard someone start talking, "Well then so be it nanodayo, this is good anyways we finally get to see who is the Better Miracle of our team." Midorima said while looking up at Scar, who was on the second floor and Midorima was on the bottom. Smirking Midorima walked off the play, while Scar looked back at his team to see them confused when Midorima said the first miracle. Tilting his head in question he walked off and got ready.




Kageyama was sitting on the floor looking at his phone after Scar had hung up thinking if they could really beat Oikawa and go to nationals without him. "Hey Kageyama why do you look like that," Hinata asked looking confused. Kageyama was pissed, "Look like what," he asked practically yelling, "You looked sad and I didn't think that was possible." That set it off for Kageyama and the two started fighting. Tskushima then took the time to call Scar, "Hello Tsuki." He then proceeds to flip his camera and show him what going on and he almost burst into laughter when he saw Scar face palmed himself, "Tobio-Kun, Hinata." Both boys froze at the sound of Scar's voice when it sounded like it was laced with venom scaring the both of them.

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