*~ The Start and New Light - 0.2~*

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3rd Pov

Today was the day, the first day of Karasuno that is, Scar woke up early to make sure he had everything ready. While he was looking around, he was also helping his sister get ready as well, " I have to go now, Nii-San, " Sakura said while calling out to her brother. Scar nodded his head towards her to let her know that he heard her, " Have a good day at Kitagawa Daiichi, Sakura, " and with that, she left. A little while later, Scar left and started walking to school. He connected up his phone to his Bluetooth headphones and continued walking. Upon arriving early he thought to himself, ' Might as well look around, ' that he started wandering around the school looking at every single detail, remembering everything, Scar ended up finding his class, after looking around, he went to a random desk in the back and waited till kids started coming, then began introductions.

Most of these kids names are uninteresting and no one seems to catch his interest, that was until a green-haired kid named Yamaguchi Tadashi came up and spoke for himself, then it was his blonde friend named Tsukishima Kei, then lastly his turn. Scar stood up and went to the front and said, " Before anyone asks, I'm a boy, my name is Haze Scar from Teiko Middle School, and I used to play for their basketball team, " everyone looked shocked and started murmuring things like, ' What's he doing here' or something like ' He's adorable, small, and girly like what people say, ' or ' How can a tiny person like him play basketball 'and also ' Isn't he supposed to be in Tokyo, ' and other dumb comments class went on but he swears that he could feel someone trying to burn holes in the back of his head, he moves his eyes to the side a bit to see who's staring at him and noticed it's the blonde with glasses, Tsukishima I guess.

Timeskip to Lunch Time: Scar's POV
Soon lunch came, I sat at my desk eating quietly while texting Kuroko and Daidai about school so far, until I notice two figures standing in front of me. I looked up slowly, blinking owlishly at them, then I notice it's Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. I tilt my head in confusion at them and then Tsukishima spoke up, " Why are you eating by yourself, " he asked, I shrug my shoulders, " I'm not very talkative around others, maybe that's why " my voice was quiet and soft like always, I've never been someone to yell, " Well you can eat with us, " Yamaguchi said. I just nod and give them a closed-eyed smile. We then ate lunch at my desk and started asking each other questions " Hey, Haze-San, " Yamaguchi called me, " Yes," I said back " Are you going to try-out for any sport" I nod, " I'm trying out for volleyball, " I said with my eyes closed with my left holding my cheek in my thinking position before opening them back up and looking at them again. " You should walk with us then if you want to join because we're also going there as well, " I nod my head saying, " I will. " Finally lunch had ended class continued.

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