*~ Karasuno meets Seirin - 0.8 ~*

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Scar was struggling with keeping up with both Seirin and Karasuno so he came up with an idea. Scar had already contacted Riko about his plan so at the current moment Karasuno was on the train to an unknown school. " Hey, Scar-San where are we going," Kageyama asked, " Well being how the inter-preliminaries are coming up I'm currently busy helping out two different teams, so I'm having both schools in one area to make it easier." After that, they got off the train and started heading towards Seirin. Meanwhile, at Seirin, " Ok guys, today Scar is bringing his volleyball team here to train because he said he wanted to be in one area and I'm saying this now Scar is mainly gonna be working with the first years of his and our school," Hyuga then intervened, " That means you other first years be on your best behavior or we'll make sure both of the coaches give you extra training when we're done." And all the first years' nod.

The doors open to see Scar walking in with Karasuno behind him. " Riko-Senpai, I do appreciate this, really, " Riko smiled at him and then turned to face the two schools. " Listen up people, today Scar will be working with the first years and I work with the third and second years, and then tomorrow Scar will have the third and second years and we shall keep switching each day until the inter-high preliminaries, with that being said, everyone split up, second and third years, outside now, " Everyone then followed Riko outside. Scar turned towards the first years, " My two freaky duos, I need y'all to stand to the side while I get these others set up, " Scar then asked Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Fukuda, Kawahara, and Furihata to follow him to one side of the court, " Ok, Fukuda, Kawahara, and Furihata, I need you guys to practice your dribbling and shooting. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi I need y'all to be working on your receives and serving. "

Scar then walked back to the four first years, " Ok, we're gonna be working on your guys 'abilities and harness them, so we can use them to our advantage, " Scar then goes to his bag and pulled out two notebooks, one with 'Karasuno' and the other with 'Seirin' on it, and opened them to look at the notes he wrote down. " We're gonna be starting with how high you can jump, Kuroko and Kageyama don't have to because I've known them long enough to know how high they jump, but first I need to go get the supplies. " With that, Scar walks out the building, " I see he's been warming up to y'all and I hope y'all are treating him right, " Kuroko says while turning towards Kageyama and Hinata. Kageyama glares slightly, " We are. Thank you very much, " Kagami looked at him before smirking and turning to face the basketball hoop, " At least we're his favorite duo. " At first, it looked like he struck a nerve with the two Karasuno members while Kuroko looked at them with slight amusement. "Did he say that?" Hinata questioned and the other two nod their heads, " Well, we'll become is new favorites after we learn to get along or something,"

Kuroko then looked at the two volleyball players, " Scar doesn't like it when two others aren't getting along, so I suggest you two learn how to get along rather quickly then." Once he finishes Scar walks in with measuring tape, a step ladder, and chalk, with his clipboard and a pencil. " All you have to do is dip your hand in the chalk then jump up and hit the backboard, with that being said Kageyama, I need you to do this too please and thank you," Kageyama nodded his head and decided to go first. He dipped his hand in the chalk and got a running start to the hoop, he jumped up and hit the part a little under the hoop. "Not bad, I'm impressed," Scar said and wrote down the numbers. "Kagami, your turn," and Kagami nodded and did the same thing as Kageyama but he hit the part right above the hoop. Scar was shocked for a little bit but regained his senses, but his expression didn't go unnoticed, Kagami smiled slightly at this, "Um, Hinata, your turn," Hinata nodded and the same thing as the other two, but he didn't go that far above from Kageyama's point. "It's fine Hinata, you'll get there someday, " Scar said while looking down at his clipboard and jotting the numbers down, he then started mumbling lightly to himself before looking at Kagami.

"Kagami, you still have a lot of untouched power that I can see so far, but we won't get into that unless it's needed but until then don't mind what I just said, but I've also taken notice that y'all start before us. This means Kageyama and Hinata, " Scar says while turning to them, " I want y'all to make sure they, as in Karasuno, do the training regiments assigned for each player, please? " They both nod and grab the notebook with Karasuno's name on it, from the small male.

Time skip: Interhigh-Preliminaries, Basketball Boys

Scar was in the gym with the basketball boys waiting for Riko, "Hey, Scar-Senpai, it's nice of you to coach during this time, especially with all these other skilled players we're going against, " one of the first years said while Scar just nodded but something in his head clicked, "Senpai?" Scar questioned before looking at the first year, and they nodded "Yeah, in a way you're like our Senpai, even when you're in serious mode, " Scar was amazed by that answer but he shyly turned away and said 'ok' then Riko came in, " So, you're not skipping today coach, " before she could say anything Scar smacked Koganei. "What are you stupid? She wouldn't skip during a real match that would be unprofessional of her to do so as a coach, " Scar stated,

"Exactly what he said. But I went out to see the school we're going against and it's Shinkyo Academy and to be fair they don't have anyone promising except for one his name is Papa Mbaye Siki and he's the only real threat. I want to add a specific someone to our team to play but I know that if I add them it would be included as cheating, especially with their strength and smartness." Everyone got quiet at the mention of a mysterious player, "Who is it?" someone asked, Riko looked up with a smirk and directed her attention to the one she was talking about. Everyone looked where she was looking to see her staring at Scar, who was holding onto Kuroko, everyone was surprised, except Kuroko, "Did you guys forget that he was a player as well?" Kuroko questioned,

" Scar was always used as a special weapon during matches only when needed that's why he coached all the time." Riko started but before she could continue Kagami spoke up, "Can we let him play, " everyone was surprised before he turned to Scar, " I've only seen you play for just a little bit and that's not enough to learn from,  so would you please play and help prove you don't have to be a big deal to win anything, Scar-Senpai?" Everyone has their jaws touching the ground at Kagami's plea for Scar to play before Scar nodded and muttered a small 'ok'. Kuroko looked at everyone " That's Scar's life for you, " and everyone sweatdropped at that. "Looks like Scar will be playing with us." and everyone walked outside to the busses leaving Scar and Kuroko.

"You're not playing against them are you?" Kuroko asked Scar, while still looking forward instead of the boy behind, "I'm sorry. I don't think I can bring myself to do so. As you know we all have our selfish desires for picking different schools, mine was just to escape basketball once and for all, but as you can see that's not going too well for me." Scar commented, before taking a shaky breath, "I'll try to give you the info-, " Scar's thoughts were interrupted when he realized that they'll be late for the train, "C'mon Kuroko we need to get to the train station now!" Scar said frantically before dragging Kuroko behind him.

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