*~Training with the League pt.1 - 1.2~*

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*~I want to do a special for you guys to thank you for the reads and votes so if you want to comment down a character you want to see like a date scene or something with Scar please let me know.~*


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3rd Pov

It was early morning when everyone had arrived to get on the bus. Scar was the only one who was wide awake. "Scar-chan," the said male looked towards the direction of where his name was being called and noticed Kiyoko with a girl. The girl had blonde hair and a side ponytail with star hairpieces, "Scar-chan this is Yachi Hitoka and she's gonna be the new manager for y'all once we third years leave," she explained. Scar could tell that she was nervous so he gave her a warm smile, "Hello Yachi-chan. As you already know I'm Scar Valentine Haze, but you can call me whatever you like," Scar said as he can easily see her calm down and not be scared. "By the way Scar, you're aware that Kageyama and Hinata won't be there so you know what that means? You need to be playing more," Kiyoko stated while smiling at him. "hmm" Scar hummed in response.

Upon arriving they noticed all the schools. "Goddess-," Tanaka and Nishinoya were cut off with "AKAAAAASHIIIIIIIII" then they heard Scar gasp and turn towards the sound looking for a certain red-haired male but saw nothing of the sort. His actions didn't go unnoticed by his team who looked worried by his reaction. "Scar-chan are you ok?" Kiyoko asked him and he just nods his head "Yeah I just knew someone with that last name, not good memories," but they didn't hear the last part.

"The ones who know, know." The coaches from the other school knew. "Scar come over here" the coach of Fukurodani had called him over to calm his nerves, "Scar, come meet my team," and the Fukurodani team came upfront. "Hey, Hey, Hey, I'm Bokuto Kotaro and this is my second-year setter Akaashi Keji" "It's Akaashi with two a's, by the way," the coach said. Scar stared at the duo mainly Akaashi and he stared back and started turning pink in his cheeks. Everyone felt unknown tension rising from Scar for some reason. The coach of Fukurodani decided to defuse the situation.

"Akaashi why don't you take Scar here out on a walk because I'm pretty sure he needs it," Scar looked surprised at that, "Oh no it is fine I'll just go out by myself. It is just some small problems with myself is all. I'm sorry Akaashi-Senpai for the trouble," Scar bowed in apology then ran outside to catch some air. "What was that about?" Bokuto asked, "Scar tends to get nervous when some mention the name Akashi for the simple fact it's the name of one of his old teammates and they didn't get along too well and that kinda affects the way he acts nowadays but he's a good kid." The coach said while noticing the second-year setter walking out quietly to find the black-haired male who is probably lost already.

The coach was right, Scar got lost because he ran without looking. "Hey," a calm, sort of monotoned voice called out to him. "By the look on your face I can tell you're lost," Scar just nodded his head not wanting to say anything to the taller male. "Before we go back are you ok? And why aren't you saying anything? Are you embarrassed or something," Scar felt overwhelmed with questions. "Of course I'm embarrassed. I allowed my problems to show and embarrassed myself in front of my team," then Scar had small tears in the corner of his eyes, "And I'm lost," he finished feeling his tears dropping before he quickly wiped them away. "And you having a straight face looking at me is not helping either Akaashi."

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