*~ Interhigh Preliminaries - 0.9 ~*

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Once entering the building, everyone was glancing in amazement at how big it was while Scar and Kuroko felt indifferent for the amount of time they won, they're just used to it already. "Listen, " before Riko could say anything everyone heard someone hit something, "Stupid doors, " someone mumbled before fully walking in and revealing themselves. Everyone was amazed at his height while Scar was used to it but he felt someone bumped into him. Scar looked up at the person and felt himself being lifted up, "No babies on the court," Scar was offended and everyone else was snickering in the background, "Oh wait," everyone stopped and looked at the two, "Your the coach aren't you," Papa said while placing Scar down, " The miracles were coached by a little baby what are the kids?" Papa said walking away while a dark aura surrounded Scar, " Boys" Scar said and they all stood in attention while Kuroko smirked slightly, "Now Scar is upset to be prepared on what's to come next," after he said that Scar turned around with a shadow covering his eyes, "If there's one thing in this world I hate more than being called short, is people questioning my skills as a coach, with that being said," Scar looked up with a deadly look that could kill, "If you fail me I will increase your training until you collapse from exhaustion and show you what it really feels like to train has a GOM," and everyone shivered at the thought of killer training, " RIGHT!" They all yelled as their life depended on it, which it did. And the game began.

The match started with the tip-off and Papa took the ball immediately, Scar's eye twitched in irritation but he knew better than to get angry because this would be bound to happen with the height difference. One of Papa's teammates got it and he went down the court and passed back to Papa, who scored immediately after he shot the ball. Scar sighed softly, he knew this was going to happen one way or another it's the major height difference that can't be beaten without proper technique. Everyone was scared when they heard Scar sigh, "S-S-S-Senpai are you ok?" One of the 1st years asked, scared for the answer, "Hm? Oh! Yeah, I'm fine just thinking a little about Kagami's past training for this match and trusting he actually did it or not will be shown in today's match because he's definitely going to need it in the near future." When Scar finished his sentence everyone saw that Papa had missed his shot causing Scar to smirk slightly. "Ara ara, so it seems he has been doing what he's supposed to," Scar said while Riko held a proud look, " Ne, Scar-San I did like you asked now I think you should keep up with your end of the deal," Riko smirked while Scar just sighed and smiled slightly. "Ok, ok, I'll do it," Scar said while getting with a bag in his hand and walking out.

"Um, coach?" Riko hummed "Why did Senpai walk out with a bag? Is he leaving us?!?!" The first years questioned before they heard people in the stadium mumbling about Scar and how he plays just as well as Aomine. Seirin was confused when they heard there's a member change for their team and they would be replacing Mitobe, that was the case until they saw who walked up after Mitobe walked off. That was until Scar walked right in front of them but with the Seirin basketball uniform on but he was altered like all of his other uniforms. The design was the same but the difference is that Scar's shorts actually fit him and are like short shorts, kinda like track shorts instead of booty shorts so he can have room to breathe. His uniform top was also more fitting and when he turned around his last name was on the back and he has his lucky number 13 on the front. Scar also wore black stockings with his uniform. "What's up with you and the number 13? I heard even as the 3rd year in middle school you wouldn't give it up." Scar smiled and looked at Kuroko for him to answer, "Scar-San loves the #13 because it's an unlucky number to most people and when people see it they know all hell is about to break looses." Kuroko answered. Everyone awed at the true intention of the #13, Scar just smiled and got ready.

During the match Riko noticed something, " It seems every time Kagami tries to block him he uses most of his energy when it comes to jumping an-" she was caught off guard when the ball got knocked out of Papa's hands. The whole stadium was silent until they heard someone landing and cheers for someone's name, "Let's get something straight, ok?" Scar said while looking up at Papa, "When I'm on the court, I call the shots, and that's not allowed when I'm here," he finished before turning around and walking back to his end with Kuroko following him. "You know you just basically started a war, right?" Kuroko asked while turning to the smaller male. Scar just smirked and said, "If it'll get people to play and have their blood pumping, then I'm willing to take that chance. I'm just wondering are you willing to take it with me?" Scar asked while holding his fist towards him with a gentle smile. Kuroko did the same gesture and placing his fist on the smaller male's, "Of course, we do have our own selfish desires for winning." They smiled and got ready to start.

During the match, there were times people had no idea on what was going on. With one of the points when someone thought the ball was going to Kagami, it actually went to Scar and he scored with a three-pointer. Another time is when they thought Papa was going to shoot it again Scar came up and smacked it right out of his hands then saying "I told you I call the shot and that's not allowed in my house, " then proceeds to walk away, first bumping Kuroko and getting back into position. Riko was shocked at Scar's skills and when she looked at his body in numbers she was surprised that they were so high for his little body. "He's amazing," Riko said that while everyone on the bench just looked at her with confusion, "Who is?" One of the first years asked, "Scar, that's who. Even though he has such a little body he has so much potential that he has just a little bit more he has to reach for it's amazing, which is why I see how he's the coach and a play of the GOM we've really scored it this time." Riko said with stars in her eyes but one of the first years ruined it, "You know coach he's here only temporarily because he doesn't go to our school remember?" that first got a fist to the face after that and never spoke another word.

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