*~Two Matches, One Week - 0.3~*

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The Next Day: Scar's Pov

After I got home from school, I get a message from Kuroko and Daidai, I sigh to myself, ' might as well answer them, '

Blue Haired Husbando💙 Is Online

Empress Prodigy👑💋🥰 Is Online

Blue Haired Husbando💙

Do you have anything to do this Friday?

Empress Prodigy👑💋🥰

I don't have anything but school, why what's up?

Blue Haired Husbando💙

I was wondering do you want to go to the practice match as our manager?

Empress Prodigy👑💋🥰

Sure, who are y'all going against?

Blue Haired Husbando💙

Kaijo High, Kise goes there.

Empress Prodigy👑💋🥰

Oh ok, well then, yeah, tell Riko I'll be going then.

Blue Haired Husbando💙

Ok, see you then.

Blue Haired Husbando💙 is offline



Yoshi- Chan🧡 Is Online

Empress Prodigy👑💋🥰 Is Online

Yoshi- Chan🧡

Hey, Scar.

Empress Prodigy👑💋🥰

Hey Hey Hey, Yoshi-Chan, how are you?

Yoshi- Chan🧡

I'm fine, my school's basketball captain is rough, but I manage to get through.

Empress Prodigy👑💋🥰

That's good at least but remember to take it easy, ok?

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