*~Training with the League pt. 2 - 1.3~*

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3rd POV

After Scar had walked outside Kageyama and Hinata had took over, "So what has the score been like," Hinata asked, "5-0. 5 wins and 0 loses since Scar started playing, He's a good spiker by the way," Kiyoko stated. "HEY, I'm supposed be the next ace though," Hinata exclaimed while everyone had sighed or rolled their eyes, "Calm down you little monkey he was only playing because no one knew that our freak duo were idiots." Daichi commented while the duo sulked. "Well get on your numbers and start playing and if y'all loose this winning streak Scar had worked hard to get to, so help me y'all will regret this." Coach Ukai stated at them while they nodded and started playing.

While Scar was outside he was thinking to himself until he got a call from a certain number he hated. Looking at his phone he saw the name 'Seijuro Akashi'. While he was wondering why he didn't block him, the small male got up and walked a bit further from the volleyball gym entrance and answered the call.

"What do you want this time Akashi," Scar asked with venom laced in his voice like no other. "You know Scar that was rude with the way you hung up in my face like that," Akashi commented. Scar rolled his eyes, "Get to the point before I do it again," Scar said impatiently. "It would be better if we met in person and talked properly," Scar scrunched his eyebrows together. "Sorry but no I'm busy." Scar said with a slightly teasing tone. "Scar don't play with me I know when you're lying to me." The said male remained quite while thinking to his self on how he gets into these situations, "Still no Akashi. I'm, not gonna do anything you want." After that statement he hung up the phone and saw Kiyoko waivin towards him to come inside so he followed.

When Scar walked in he noticed that the boys were losing and he sweatdropped at that. "Scar get back on the court I can't bare to watch this," Coach Ukai sulked while Scar shook his head in denial, "They won't learn without practice coach, just give them time." Scar said while going to fill the water bottles. While Scar was by his self, someone had called to him, "Hey y'know for someone as small as you, you're quiet quick and powerful." Scar looked behind him only to lift his head then he usaully does to see the half russion talking to him, "I'm Lev Haiba by the way and you are?" The taller questioned before getting a response. "Haze Valentine Scar. You can come-up with any nickname for me as long as its not offensive," Scar stated while pushing his hair back from his eyes to look at the other male better. Lev had started to blush at the shorter male's actions.

"Well it's nice to meet you, you have to be like a senior because of you materity so I should call you senpai right." Scar smiled lightly, "I'm amazed that you think I'm mature enough to be a senior but I'm a first year like you." Scar said with a wink and sticking his tongue out while walking away with the filled water bottles. Leaving a flusterd Lev to deal with his emotions. Scar arrived on time with the water bottles to hand to his team as they thanked him, with Noya and Tanaka being dramatic about it, "Hey Scar-san what took you so long?" Kiyoko questioned him quietly. Scar smirked, "Messing with other first years hearts," He said while pointing to the door he came from to see a very flusterd Lev walking back into the gym. Kiyoko smirked lighly, "What are you trying to do? Collect a harem," she asked while the male smirked but she continued, "Don't leave the third years at least,"

Scar thought before nodding thinking how their third years and the other school's third years would make a great addition to the harem but it's getting them to fall for him he needs to think about. "I won't forget them but I will need some help y'know," Scar said hinting for the black-haired girl to help him before she nodded her head and smirked as well.

Lev had walked back to his team and they saw how flusterd and frustrated he was and questioned him. "Lev what's wrong with you?" Yaku had questioned while Lev pointed at Scar who wasn't looking and talking with Kiyoko, "He likes to play with people's hearts, he's aware of the effect he has on people and will mess with you," Lev finished while Kenma nodded his remembering how when they first played Scar had his eyes on him the whole time making it hard to focus, "I agree with," Kenma stated shocking everyone. "Well then I like a little tease," Kuroo commented accepting the challenge.

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