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"Is everyone here?" The red-haired one, Akashi Seijuro, asked the group in front of him. They were just a few yes were heard but one spoke up, the pinked-haired girl, Momoi Satsuki, said " We're missing two Tetsu-Kun and Haze." as she finished she didn't notice someone walking behind her. "No, we're not I'm right here" Momoi jumped up and screamed slightly at the sight of the black-haired male, Scar,  coming behind her. Everyone else just stared at the interaction of the two, "And as for Tetsuya-Kun he won't be showing up here, and to be honest, I didn't plan on going but curiosity got the better of me, curses." Akashi just looked at Scar with a slight smirk of amusement " Well whatever happens I already know that he will come around for the little game of strength, skill, stamina, and more. I also expect no less from you either, Ruler of the Court." After hearing that Akashi had "expectations" on him made Scar upset causing him to glare at the other, who can't help but smirk at the reaction but soon dropped when he heard Scar say with a smirk and slightly teasing tone "Sorry, but I'm actually going to go to Karasuno after this," everyone looked shocked when he said that. There was a moment of silence until finally, someone spoke up, a blue-haired, Aomine Daiki, "So, are you basically quitting" he said while raising an eyebrow. Scar sat that for a little before looking up at him while stuffing his hands in his pastel purple and white baseball jacket "I'm not exactly quitting, I'm just taking a break and trying something new" That's when the blonde, Kise Ryota, started anime crying and running towards the black-haired male for a hug, who dodged as soon as he got to close for comfort, "Scar-cchi, why are you going so far, from us, that school is all the way in Miyagi prefecture" at this point Kise was just clinging onto Scar's waist, he looked like he didn't want to be there which he didn't "Get off him, Nanodayo" Midorima Shintaro, a green-haired male, said while the purple giant, Murasakibara Atushi, tried prying him off, eventually getting him off and getting a bag of chips tossed to him from Scar as a thank you. "But, to answer your question I'm moving because I can and just to get a new surrounding but if that's, I'll be taking my leave," he said while turning around going to the gym doors before stopping to look at his now old teammates with a smile "Ne, let us meet again in the future, k." with that he left without noticing the slight blush on everyone's face, but one thing he did notice was how his orange-haired friend, Chikayoshia DaiDai, said nothing but stared at him like some box of fresh chocolates.

On the walk, home Scar decides to make a call to someone close to him. One ring..... two rings..... three rings. He was going to hang up until he heard a voice "Hello Scar-Kun" Scar had a slight smile on his face "Hello to you too Tetsuya-Kun," he sighs "So, Tetsuya-Kun you're well aware they would be making a bet about this, right," Kuroko sighed on the phone "Of course, I can't say I'm surprised but what I do know is I will win this...... also good luck on playing volleyball, Ruler of the Courts." Scar rolled his with a faint blush that's practically invisible as his friend "Oh shut up, but I hope you find you're new light and preferably one with a better attitude as well cause I refuse to have anyone disrespecting you in any way or I swear I'll hurt them myself" Scar said with a slight pout. Kuroko giggled lightly at his comment "Yes, of course, as if I want to have another incident with you trying to protect even though you are smaller than me," Scar flushed a bright red "Um..... right, but I already know that you know this but I'm just gonna say this one more time you have my full support all the way and I hope you win this little game." Scar finished with a sigh. Silence filled both males until "Do you want to go out tonight as a final hangout before you go." Scar smiled and muttered a small 'yeah' followed by him saying 'he needed to get dressed,' and with that, they hung up on each other and got ready.


Soon both boys meet up at a small park nearby. "Hey, Tetsuya-Kun" Scar said walking to him while wearing a small and soft smile. "Hello, Scar-Kun, should we be off now," Scar just smiled and nodded his head telling him to lead the way, then they were off making small talk. Soon enough it started to get late so they headed home with Kuroko walking scar home but remembered something last minute before he went inside, "Hey, Scar-Kun," he stopped and turned around to look at the other male, he hummed telling him to go on, "Are you ever gonna give me back my hoodie" he sweatdropped then he started laughing nervously "No," was all he said while the just sighed, "Fine, you can keep it," and before he left he hugged Scar then left with a small goodbye, he walked up to his bedroom, 'Karasuno, here I come.' 

Back to the GOM

" You know, you're not the only one seeking his attention, right," Akashi asks while staring at the second giant of the team, cause everyone to turn in his direction. Chikayoshi just looked at everyone with a hardening glare, " I'm well aware, thanks, but out of all of us, I have a higher chance than anyone else, let's get that straight." Everyone looked upset, except for Momoi, " Well then let's have another little battle just us including Kuroko, whoever can get his attention first wins, " everyone stood silent at Akashi's comment before nodding, " Good I'll let Kuroko know about this until next time. " That's when everyone dispersed to their next school waiting till the day they finally go against each other while seeking the black-haired male's attention.

Empress of the Courts Haikyuu x Male OC x Knb ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now