*~A Small Walk - 0.1~*

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The Next Morning: Scar's Pov

I woke up early the next day, so I thought to myself, ' let's go for a walk or something, ' I get and put on some clothes (Image Above) while throwing on some pink platforms (Image Below).

I go downstairs to see Sakura, " Morning, Sakura, " she jumped up at me with some stars in her eyes, it took me aback a bit before she spoke " Nii-San, looks beautiful, " I smile lightly " Aww, thank you, I appreciate it, " then I walk out the doo...

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I go downstairs to see Sakura, " Morning, Sakura, " she jumped up at me with some stars in her eyes, it took me aback a bit before she spoke " Nii-San, looks beautiful, " I smile lightly " Aww, thank you, I appreciate it, " then I walk out the door shouting, " Tell mom and dad I'll be back around 6:30, " as I closed the door I made sure to grab my bag (Image Below)

I go downstairs to see Sakura, " Morning, Sakura, " she jumped up at me with some stars in her eyes, it took me aback a bit before she spoke " Nii-San, looks beautiful, " I smile lightly " Aww, thank you, I appreciate it, " then I walk out the doo...

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While walking, I take in my surroundings and end up reaching the school I'm supposed to go to, Karasuno. I then proceed to walk somewhere, basically sightseeing, not paying I bump into someone, falling to the ground. I open my eyes and look up and see a boy with black hair and dark blue eyes. " Are you ok, " his voice breaks me out of my trance I nod my head, barely moving it. Now that I think about it, he looks familiar until a name popped into my head " Kageyama, " I ask in a questioning tone, he looks surprised but then he widens even more, if that's possible, " Scar? " I give him a small closed-eyed smile with a small nod. Suddenly I've pulled off the ground into a surprise hug, " I missed you too buddy, " was all I said as I hug him back. Kageyama then let me go staring at me for a little, I just stand there, waiting for him to come back to his senses. A little bit later, he stops staring, " So, what are you doing here, Scar-San," he asks me. I smile lightly at him and say, " Well, I moved here, and I shall be attending Karasuno high school," Kageyama looks at me, taking his processing what he heard. He jumps up a little, scaring me in the process, then states, "That's so cool, Scar-San, I'm also going there," he finishes as we continue the walk. I stop realizing what had happened, I was upset cause I couldn't give him words of encouragement that day cause I had to leave early, which cause him to stop as well, " What's the matter, " he asks me, " I give him a sad look and say, " I'm sorry about you getting benched during your last match," he looks at me shocked then asks me, " You were there, " I nod my head slightly, but go back to smiling, " But hey, I bet you thought that little tangerine was fast right, " Kageyama suddenly looks upset at the mention of him, which makes me giggle lightly at him. He then starts blushing like a mad man, " Hey, don't laugh at me, " I couldn't help but laugh more at him, " You're so adorable, Tobio-Kun, " that seemed to make him turn 50 different shade of red. My giggling ends up dying down, I look at Tobio who's still a tomato. I pat his back, lightly, " Well, Tobio-Kun, I must be off, I gotta get home I've had my fun for one day, bye-bye, " I said while walking off hearing a faint, 'bye'. While walking home, I hear someone hitting a ball then saying how it wasn't good enough I look towards the noise and notice the tangerine I was talking to Kags about, "Hey, kid" was all I said and he screamed in shock. I just stand there staring the opening my mouth to say something before I was interrupted, " Hey, you're so small-," was all he got to be for I kicked his knee. He screamed in pain while holding his knee, " It's considered rude to talk about someone you just met, you know that right, " he then bows his down to my saying " Gomenesai, " I just stared at him and then nodded at him to get up, "So, Mr. Tangerine, what's your name," I ask, "My name is, Hinata Shoyo," he says while looking down at me in the eyes, I nod. I soon notice him fiddling with his fingers, "Ano... may I ask for your name, " he says. I think for a little, " My name is Haze Scar, " while crossing my arms, " Well, I have to go, " I say then walk off to go home.

Hinata's Pov
I stand there as I watch the pretty girl left to god knows where, but now that I think about that name sounds familiar, then it hits me that was the all-star prodigy and that he's a boy. Man people weren't joking when they said he looked like a girl or the fact that he's really pretty and short. Now that I think about it, they do say that he is a prodigy in anything, I wonder, is he good at volleyball? Is he as good as the Tiny Giant? So many questions but very few answers. I didn't ask what school he goes to, now this is really hard.

Timeskip- Scar's POV
As soon as I step foot in my home, I'm greeted by Sakura hugging me, " Hey, Sakura, how are you," I ask her, " I'm ok, did you meet anyone new or did you hang out with friends, also do you want to play on our switches. We can play Animal Crossing, " she says while looking up at me. I smile and nod my head, she then starts jumping for joy. Sakura ran to her room then my to grab our switches so we can play. As we play I tell her about my walk and how I saw Kageyama and the Tangerine, and his name, I know next time I'll try to take her with me to see Kags. This summer is about to be boring. I want to just skip till the day I have to go to Karasuno.

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