*~ Aoba Johsai - 0.4~*

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Monday morning, I'm walking to school for morning practice and I make it to the club room to get dressed and I notice Daichi-Senpai and Suga-Senpai, " Ohayo, " was all I said and got dressed, " Scar-San, I know this is weird to say but I've noticed you have such a feminine body, how come, " I giggle lightly, " Yeah, it's like a family thing, my family is known to be small but are professionals in basically anything, " I finish. Daichi then starts to join the conversation as we walk to the gym and start stretching " So, your family is basically full of prodigies, like sports, dancing, cheerleading, arts, cooking, etc., I nod my head as we finish stretching and start waiting for the others.

A little later and everyone has shown up. We were about to get started until Takeda came in, holding a paper, but tripped shouting something about a match. I walk up to him, grabbing the paper from his hands. " Oh, we have a practice match with Aoba Johsai, but Tobio-Kun has to be playing the setter the entire match," I say finishing reading the paper. I look at everyone, " Doesn't Oikawa go there, " I ask titling my head. "WHAT! Don't tell me you're a fan of him, our lovely goddess, " I shake my head no to Tanaka, who has a waterfall coming from his eyes while on one knee with a hand out towards me. " My friend, Kise-Kun, doesn't like him because he thinks he's trying to steal his fangirls, which isn't true because Oikawa is older than us, " I say, and everyone's sweat drops at that. " Oh, I've also met him during the time we, the Generation of Miracles, including me, had to get a photoshoot done for Basketball monthly and volleyball members was there for Volleyball monthly, also Soccer ball monthly kids were there because they run under the same company, " everyone stared at me. " Wait, do you know soccer players too, " Daichi asked, I nod, " Yeah, you can say I'm a people magnet and I don't like it. " They all sigh at my reply. I turn around to Takeda-Sensei, " We'll be ready, by tomorrow. " I say and he smiles bowing at me.



Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Akashi and Kuroko hugging Chibi Scar

Once we get there after the delay with Hinata, we leave the bus. " I need to go to the bathroom, " Hinata says nervously. I look at him worried and he runs off. I start walking with Tanaka to the inside but I see Tanaka stop and start talking to someone, " Tanaka-Senpai, who are you-, " I was interrupted by someone screaming my name, " Scar-Sama, " he says bowing at me that's when the rests catch up with us to see Kindachi bowing towards me. I feel my cheeks burn up from embarrassment, " You don't need to bow Kin-Chan, " I say while scratching my cheek, then there's yelling from Tanaka, " WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT OUR GODDESS HUH. YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE-, " he couldn't finish, because Daichi grabbed him by the collar pulling him away saying " I can never leave you by yourself, can I? " He questions while walking away with the others. I was gonna walk too but Kindaichi called me and Kageyama. I turn to look at him, " How is it going your majesty, " he said directing his attention to Kageyama. They exchange some words then Kageyama leaves, " Scar-Sama, I would like you to meet Yahaba, " he says while pointing at him. Before I can say anything to him, he bows while turning red, " It's a pleasure to meet you in person, Scar-San, " I nod and smile, " Pleasure is all mine, " he sits up with his face turning a darker red.

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