*~Tokyo Time- 1.1~*

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Scar's POV

I walked into the gym to be greeted by Nishnoya and Tanaka, "Good morning, our goddess," they said in sync while I just nodded my head in acknowledgment and walked by them. I notice I'm the last one to arrive and walk up to Coach Ukai. "Coach I would like a request," I say to him he nods his head for me to continue, "I would prefer to play from now on and I'll coach while on the court," I state while everyone looks at us. "Alright Kid has at it you're more experienced than I am." I smile at his comment but was shocked when Hinata surprised hugged me scaring me and unfortunately lost balanced and fell. "HINATA GET OFF OF HIM WE DON'T WANT TO INJURY HIM BEFORE HE EVEN GETS TO PLAY!" Kageyama yelled while pulling him off of me while Tsuki and Yams helped me up. Suga-Senpai then checked me for any bruises, which weren't any. "Alright we all know he's fine now lest get to practice but before that, I have an announcement."

3rd POV

Once Ukai said that everyone had gathered around and started to tune into what he was saying, "Nekoma is hosting a training camp and they had invited us to join along with 3 other schools and they all have been to nationals more than once." That caused awe in excitement minus Tsukishima and Scar. Tsukishima was blank while Scar had a tiny smile on his face, barely visible but still there. "It's nice to be invited it would be good practice, especially for the freak duo," Scar commented to himself. Tsukishima heard him, "Not if they're gonna embarrass us," he said with a huff. Scar just smiled at that, "Let them have fun, it is good for them, you should try to have fun too." Scar stated while walking away to begin practice.

"Ok team" Daichi started with "Wait, when do we leave?" Daichi asked. Ukai smirked, "This weekend" it was silent, before screams of pain while Scar had a weak smile, trying not to laugh so hard at them. "Come on guys it is not that bad," Scar stated while being hunched over from trying to stop himself, "You'll do great," he stated finally giving in to laughter. "It is easy for you to say Scar-Sama, you've already done stuff like that," Kageyama states," Scar just smiles in response. "Alrighty, shorty since you're gonna be playing now let's get a practice match in," Ukai states while looking at Scar "Okay" Scar states with a smile, bigger than his usual small smile.

Scar turns to Kageyama, who looks confused until the realization hits him, "You want me to serve to you" The small male just hums in response "I have just as good enough maybe better jumping power as Hinata so don't hold back and we both know speed is practically my middle name." SCar replied with a smirk to which Kageyama returns it. The small male went to the last court line and threw high up surprising everyone, before taking off and jumping higher than Hinata at some angles, hit the ball with a hard slap.

The only thing that could be heard was the ball slapping the ground and proceeding to bounce for a bit then rolling around. The thing that was heard was Scar landing on his feet, with a proud smirk on his face. The black-haired male turned to his team to see shocked faces and Kageyama with a goofy smile on his face. "It been awhile right Tobio-Kun," Scar said smiling back at him which caused the blueberry's smile to grow more.

Empress of the Courts Haikyuu x Male OC x Knb ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now