*~ The Ace and The Libero - 0.5 ~*

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3rd POV

Kageyama was in the gym practicing his serves and aiming for the water bottle on the other side of the gym. When he was about to hit the bottle Hinata ran in and tried to receive a hit but it failed and went out of bounds. " Boke, what do you think you're doing, " he yelled at Hinata, not noticing the black-haired male walking to go grab the ball and walking to his side. " Try again, Kags, I know you can get it, " Scar said but covered his ears from Hinata's scream. " When did you get here, " he yelled while pointing at the other male, Kageyama glared at him for pointing, resulting in Hinata dropping his hand in an instant while bowing and apologizing over and over again. Scar stood there unfazed, " Boke, Hinata, Boke, get out of the way, I need to practice, " Kageyama said which made Hinata walking away, sulking. Kageyama backed up a little before tossing the ball up in the air and doing a jump server. The ball was so close to hitting before someone ran in front and served it perfectly to where the setter would be.

Everyone was shocked, even Scar. A male with black hair spiked up and a blonde streak in the middle of his head was standing there in the perfect position. The boy stood there looking at Kageyama but couldn't see Scar, because he was behind Kageyama, " You have a nice serve there, My name is Nishinoya Yu, " he stopped and looked around, Hinata came up to him, " What do you want, " Noya asked, " You're shorter than me! I have someone who I can look down on. " That pissed him off, " You bastard, it's not even that much, " he said screaming at Hinata but before anything else was said Tanaka came in, " Noya, my dude, how have you been, also did you see the cute new 1st year on the volleyball team, " Noya looked at Tanaka, " I've been great also I haven't seen them, " Tanaka smirked, " Well my dude this 1st year is a goddess in disguise just like Kiyoko, he has long black hair, sapphires for eyes, and he's a small cutie, and his name is Scar Haze " Tanaka looked around trying to find the said student.

Scar got bored and wanted to go outside, so he started heading for the doors until he heard a gasp, " Ryu, is that him, " Nishinoya asked while pointing at him. Tanaka turned towards his direction and nodded his head rapidly. Noya then started sprinting towards Scar for a hug but panicked and ducked causing Noya to crash into the wall, " Oh my god! I'm sorry Noya-Senpai, I panicked cause you startled me, " Nishinoya had got up rapidly when he heard the word senpai, " Tanaka, do you hear he called me senpai, " Noya said running to said male, " I know, he also so respectful." Everyone started walking in, " Hey Noya, " Sugawara said " So is Asahi coming back, " Nishinoya asked, everyone went quiet, " Judging by how tense the atmosphere is now, Noya-Senpai, he's most likely not coming back, " Scar said bluntly, everyone sweat-dropped at that. " That coward, " Noya suddenly shouted, everyone was surprised at his outburst except Scar, who decided to walk out to go to Seirin.

Empress of the Courts Haikyuu x Male OC x Knb ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now