Ring around the Rosie

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bonus chapter for 1.15k votes; Ring Around the Rosie 

Warning- talks about u.s. bombing,,, charli and the other sister hate squad,,, and fire,,,

About a year ago*

"ELI, COME SEE THIS!" A fourteen year old Stella Holland shouted.

Kira came running up the stairs, concern written all over her face, "what's wrong, dearest."

"A lot of things!" She scrolled down her phone, "can you tell your useless son to get up here?" 

Kira smiled warmly at her, "why of course, dear." And with a few thundering steps, the mother in the household yelled, "ELI,  GET YOUR DUMBASS UP HERE RIGHT NOW!" She pat down the shirt she was wearing- one that she got at a concert- and poked her head back in the room Stella was in, "he'll be up in a minute."

Eli's body took a whole ass screenshot, he was terrified as he went up the stairs. He wondered if he had done anything particularly bad, but his mind came up blank,,, not that it normally came up with good ideas. 

"Yes? My lovely, amazing, beautiful, wonderful-"

"You're not in trouble," Kira ruffled his hair. "Stella's inside your room and she called for you."

Eli nodded his head in understanding, walking towards his room, "what am I? A servant? 'She called for you', what does that even mean?" 

He opened the door to see Stella pacing around the room, talking to someone on her phone. "No- bro, please. Don't hang up, I desperately need you and your computer skills. C'mon now, I know you love to show off. I know you show off to your dinosaurs." She laughed, "you can't deny it, I walked in on you doing that." 

"You said you would never talk about that again!" 

"I did, didn't I? Hm, desperate times calls for desperate measures. Besides, you'd think that a boy in his early teens would be mastur-" 

Eli covered his ears, hoping to God that he didn't know the other person on the line, but he knew he did at the very mention of dinosaurs and computer skills. "Don't finish that sentence." 

Stella stuck out her tongue, "well, whatever. Come over to Eli's house and bring your laptop if you don't want the social media to know how you spend your Saturdays." 

She hung up before he could answer and turned to Eli. "We're bombing the United States of America." 

"What?" Abraham, who had been in the kitchen eating, dropped his chip bag on the floor upon hearing Stella's statement. 

"When did the American get here?" She asked Eli.

He shrugged, "he just showed up at my door and shot me with a nerf gun." 

Abraham grinned, nodding his head in affirmation. 

"Can we just backtrack to what you said before?" Eli flopped onto his bed. 

She fell right besides him, "that Leo doesn't play with himself-"

"No! God no!" The two boys said in unison. 

"Oh. Hm? What could it be that I said?" She pondered, opening her phone again and scowling at her screen. "Now I remember. Let's bomb the U.S., someone's bound to do it anyways." 

"Why?" Abraham moved to sit on Eli's gamer chair, swirling himself around. 

She glared at the phone, "because someone has just started something between me and Charli. That one fifteen year old who pretends to dance really good, and her older sister Pixie, the one who tries to have a singing career." Stella groaned in frustration, "Charli had the audacity to call me out because my tiktoks apparently have a bad secret message for younger kids. First off, my tiktoks aren't targeted for younger kids, obviously. Secondly, I didn't know that dancing loser existed. Thirdly, is this a publicity stunt for her? Is she trying to leech off of me?"

Leo and Kira popped into the room, Kira with a bowl of popcorn. She and Leo sat crisscross on the carpeted floor, entering the conversation. "I say just burn the Hoop House," Kira said with a mouth full of popcorn. 

"Hype House." Abraham quietly corrected. 

Kira flipped him off, resulting in Eli to say, "Mum!", she only shrugged and said, "there's nothing hype about them. Just a bunch of kids who don't know how to spend their money, and attention seeking little bitches."

Leo agreed, "yeah... Why am I here?" 

Stella smiled mischievously, "glad you asked. Alright, I need you to book four flights to California. I'll handle the rest." 

And so Leo booked- illegally- a first class flight to California for the four of them. Kira packed them lunches, putting them in different bags, because they were all picky little hoes, so she made their preferred lunches. She handed them their bags as they went out the door, "good luck! Don't come home too late or I will literally skin you alive!" She said with a bright smile.

And to be honest, the four of them didn't remember most of the flight because they stole two bottles of champagne and got hella drunk off of it. 

Stella hiccupped, "you brought the gasoline right?" 

Eli patted his bag, almost falling over. "Yessssiirrr." He said, his words coming out slurred. 

"You got us booked another flight back home, right?" 

Leo gave her a thumbs up, "of cor-cou-course." Leo stuttered. 

Abraham flicked the lighter on and off, "we made sure that no one's inside right?"

Stella nodded. "They just make tiktoks in there, no one actually sleeps over. A-and I told Lilo to put out an anonymous warning to the neighbors."

"Who the fuck is lilo?" Eli whispered, jumping over the gate. 

Stella just opened it and stumbled through. 

"We won't get in trouble,,,, right?" 

She waved her hand in dismissal, "of course we won't. We'll just blame it on Jake Paul,,, no one likes that man, and everyone will believe it's him without question." Stella whipped her head to look at Leo, "hey, did you bring down the cameras?" 

He gave her another thumbs up, "everything is ready. Go for it."

As Stella hopped around gleefully and Eli tugged her around, Abraham and Leo watched as the other two poured gasoline surrounding the base of the mansion. 

"I want to record this," Abraham whispered. 

Leo spared him a glance, "don't do it." 


A pocket full of posies

A tissue, a tissue

We all fall down!" 

Stella and Eli sang. and as the final lyrics were sung, Abraham gave the lighter to Stella. She lit the mansion ablaze, and watched as it danced around. 

She once said that she'd love to stand on top of the highest tower and watch the world burn,,, although this wasn't quite that, it was as close as she could get. 

Eli knew that this was a new type of evil from his friend. He knew he couldn't report to Voldemort because of the very fact that he might take an interest in her peculiar behavior. The type of behavior that was fit for a dark wizard. Eli shoved those thoughts to the back of his head, refusing to think of anything but of what was happening.

And that was the story of how Stella burned down the hype house out of pure hatred and anger. Might I add, that there were all drunk off their asses...

author's weird note

stand momma kira,,, she a qween

please,,, guyyysss was this good? i mean i had fun writing it so ig🤷🏻‍♀️

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